Pinsetters capable of spare practice


Just wondering if there are any centres in Melbourne where the pinsetters are capable of putting up spare combinations? I don't think there is but I'm hoping I am wrong.

For that matter is there any in this country?
As far as i know Greensborough has the only one with a program to do this. They dont use it very often because not to many people know about it.
Thanks Gunther. I did here something like that awhile ago but wasn't sure if it was for real. Will check with Greensborough to see how much they charge for an hours lane hire.
greensborough does have that facility, and the price is 20 bucks an hour. the only time that you can't do it is friday, sat nights. altho i wouldn't reccommend going down there on a wednesday night either. Fantastic centre with great staff.

You'd be able to practice picking up the 5-7-10 !!! :lol:

Give Burto (Wayne) a ring, he'd probably be interested as well!!

:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
We can do it at greensborough for you. You select what pins you want and it'll set it up every shot. It's handy to spend time on a few of the spares that cause you problems.

Once we open our Altona centre you'll be able to do it there as well.

Call us on 94674544 to find out exact price and times available.
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