Move over Belmo?


New Member
Could this be the worlds next number 1 am bowler? 3 arms can't hurt for shot direction ;)


AP - Mon May 29, 7:35 AM ET A doctor inspects a 59-day-old baby boy who was born with three arms, at a hospital in Shanghai, in east China Monday, May 29, 2006. Doctors are checking the boys physical condition before deciding whether to remove his third arm. (AP Photo)
If not the next Belmo, he'd be pretty good in the boxing ring :D

Hope all goes well for the little fella, if they remove it and hope he learns to live with it with no complications if they keep it
lol maybe

but surely they will remove it? imagine lving with 3 arms? finding clothes would be pretty hard :S
Lol....funny stuff. without being offensive, he looks like that ganesh thing (the indian god you hear/see all the time in the simpsons!)

imagine the kid at swimming! he'd be like a propellor!
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