Milkshake Madness


New Member
I was wondering if any body could look up in the "official" book of
milkshakes (everybody gets a strike in the one frame except one bowler) :lol: and answer this question, if you are in the Tenth Frame and three bowlers have a spare then strike, then one bowler gets an 8 miss is that bowler the milkshakee. a one dollar penalty is on the line. :wink:
would be in our Wednesday team......(tho we don't charge a dollar!)

Broni & Jagga 8)
Not in our Wednesday team......the strikes would have to be the first ball of the tenth.
it depends on what your team does really, ive heard some teams count diagnal (however ya spell it) and also straight up and down. my team used to keep track of all the shouts that we call "hanging" in a book and see who has the most at the end of the year at presentation night.
I think what Androoo meant was that it was dopey, like tired. Not meaning a stupid thing. :) :) :)
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