Lowest Score You Can Remember

My most recent low games was 92 :x , this was a couple months ago in a tornament, I ended up qualifying 2nd on a 200 even ave. I shot like a 210 ave for the rest of the games O:) .
Incredibly, I shot a 59 last year!! Thank god it was only practice!

And I thought I would've won the low score but obviously not. :( :wink:
Impressive 108 in a practice before junior shield in Rocky at the start of this year...3 strikes in the 10th too :p
Lowest Game...

I think the lowest game I can remember me bowling was like a 101 game after I got back from my 1st President Shield trip in 1997!!! Hahahaha...shame!!!
i think it was 96 it was in the SA under23 classic. couple of years back. and 2night 120 then a 240. lol funny.

last night my GF and i went bowling. she broke her arm 2 weeks ago and was doind a post bowl left handed. She shot 10.. and in the 7th frame was a 6 count.. so that was pretty impressive counting she was trying really hard. according to the bowling alley that is there all time low.

thats not a bad effort now.
Lowest Sanctioned game I've ever seen here was 31 by a woman in Sponsors League who had had to change hands because of an injury a few years ago. She was about a 145 average right-handed.

I saw a small kid shoot 2 one morning when I was finishing my work in the bowl, still didn't want the bumpers up though :lol:

My lowest Sanctioned was a 102 about 15 years ago in junior league, although I did shoot a 72 in practice a couple of years before that.
well i bowled a 80 something today and backed it up with a 267 lol
once i was on the 3rd last bowl of the game and only had 43
but from then on got strike to end up with 103
i wasnt that dissapointed only because of my finish... :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
HillBilly said:
well i bowled a 80 something today and backed it up with a 267 lol

Wel isaac that just goes to show you can actully bowl when your not mucking around on fridays. :p
Just goes to show your ball sucks considering i was using ur ball in the first game lol
the last week of SHellharbour Bowl the lanes were like crazy dry and jen and i were bowling with house balls and sending it to like 4 board and it went str8 back into left gutter. i think we totalled in our 50's or 60's it was a cack...
My lowest score ever would have to be a 15 i shot it when i was like 10 and i still remember it although the first shot was a strike the rest were gutter balls it was also my first time without bumpers so u know there was a slight dis-advantage! anyway my lowest score nowadays would have to be the 109 i had last tuesday in league!! :oops: :oops:
My Lowest game is 9 and i been bowling for bout 2 or 3 yrs this was bout 14 yrs ago when i was 3 or 4 but i even had bumpers then i bowled with out them and bowled 18 but last yr i bowled bout 86 in league but the lanes where bone dry the mechanic oiled 24 lanes and then realised there was no oil in the machine then he couldn't find any oil my ass.
Laterz Chris
Lowest league score

In a sanctioned league game Baby Mushy got a grand total of 2 for the second game of a three game league.
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