Lowest Score You Can Remember

I never finished the game but i had 8 gutters in a row at another centre i bowled at. I bowl down 5-10 board and i didnt know then as much as i knew now. The lanes were so flooded that my ball kept sliding into the gutter no matter what i did so i just stopped and packed up,lol.
I bowled a 96 game at the old shellharbour bowl on my 1st week back from the 2001 nats. I was so used to the reverse block they had there, it took me a while to get my shot back.
i didnt really want to bowl teh first game which was taht game, and then when i found out my team was wining the league so i tryed to bowl good in the next and bowled a fantastic 87, the next game was a 190, i do not have a clue what i was doing wrong but something changed in the last
I hate you luke, u always have to beat me. :lol: mine is 54 and my friend bowled a 56 with me. 8) . the league was called rev heads. we got to go to honda indy and that was the main prize, so u diddnt have to try.
im not very proud of that effort and it made me fell so bad when everyone was watching me chuck gutter balls, when i wasnt trying to
I Bowled Cosmic Bowlin Las Nite And I Bowled a 53 :evil: screw u luke...lol
Top this. I bowled 50 for my first ever league game, followed by 52, and 54. Plus, my mate was bowling at Mt.Druitt and he bowled a huge game of 17. :p :oops:
the lowest game i can remember was a 113 at the classic cup finals at nats this year :oops: followed by a 137
well rowey thats gonna take some beating, but considering mine was done when i had been bowling for 2 years
Um ok. I had been bowling for 2 or 3 year and shot 54 at Northern Bowl. My mate has been bowling for around the same time as me, yet he shot 17. He might be the winner of this, luke.
well i bowled a fabukous 115 game yesturday in league against my mum (who i was bragging about how i was going to smash her) needless to say my mum beat me then i finished off with 180 and 231
-Michael- said:
i bowled a 120 in the first game of asian schools roll off

haha me too!!... Bowled a 98 a few weeks ago, pre bowling for a league.
why dont use just stop talkin about him he tryed his hardest i bowl with him too it was just a mental break down
well my first wk of league wen i first started was a 15 and a 1.......and i had been bowling heaps before i used to sub in my mums league before i started bowling league myself
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