
AMF , Brunswick, and the majority of the world's tenpin bowling organisations appear to have completely lost the plot. They have been obsessed with promoting higher priced open bowling and recreational bowling in general, and then wondering why league and tournament bowling has decreased for 25 straight years. Bowling will NEVER become an Olympic sport despite the millions of dollars wasted on promoting the sport to Olympic officials. People involved in the Olympic movement will never understand a 'Sport' where the ''amateurs'' can outscore and outearn the professionals regularly, and where using the right equipment is often more important than talent and experience. The world's bowling organisations have spent untold millions of dollars advertizing glow bowling, laser light shows, corporate and birthday parties, and everything but bowling itself-----and some of their membership even gloat about the decline of league and tournament play.

This short-sighted approach has, at the very least, contributed to the erosion of the integrity of the Sport of bowling, and at worst, added to the erosion of many of its most loyal participants. I used to bowl 2-3-leagues a week, tournaments on weekends, and practice at least 20 games a week. All this in addition to coaching kids.

Today---no more practice, few tournaments, and 1 league per week. Many of my contemporaries have also stopped practicing, cut back on leagues and tournaments, or have quit the sport entirely----NOT because we can't play, but our ''sport'' has stopped being as much fun and there is no challenge any more.

WARNING to the world's bowling proprietors----What will happen to your bottom lines when the ''fad'' that is glow bowling stops being ''cool'', when kids and their parents realize that they were ripped off when they bought that over-priced ball with the fancy graphics, when 6 months later, it looks like hell, fades badly, and cannot be properly re-surfaced? If glow bowling goes the way of other fads, which in the cyclical world of fashion, it inevitably will go the way of the hoola hoop, Rubik's Cube, grunge, and bell bottoms,----- who will then replace the 70% of league bowlers who have quit our sport? Then these same short-sighted proprietors will find that it's a whole lot easier and much less expensive to keep your old customers instead of trying to recruit new ones.

A new governing body needs to be established to take the place of the TBA and all of the splinter groups. Recruit the memberships of the old groups as well as the kids, bring only of the best and brightest of each organization to promote membership locally. Have each of the proprietors hold an annual election from their centre's existing league officers. Each center would elect a delegate and an associate delegate and they would make up the local delegation. Then, once and for all--for the betterment--NO--for the continuing existance--of our sport, we might truly have people who care more about the future of our sport, than their own selfish motives. Shame on all of them!!! We can only hope that the current TBA voluntarily disbands, and is replaced with a progressive new organization, that will respond to its members needs, sans the old establishment.

perhaps you should invest in buying your own bowling centre, then you could show us all how it is done the right way.

cobow :)
hey are you a Pessimist????

u have made a good point ... but ... why cant you do sumting towards what u feel insted of just talking about it????
Ostrich Alert!! there are still problems and pretending that its all sweetness and light or ignoring them won't fix them. A solid scratch tounament circuit(outside the super 6 and other majors) in every state again would be a start. Continuing to educate people about equipment and conditions is a must too, even telling(and showing) the once a week bowler how they can keep that White Dot looking brand new would be a step forward. Maybe our way of coaching players at all levels needs an upgrade too, the Ritger way is a good way of doing things but its not the ONLY good way surely, see what else is out there. I'll probably post more things when i think of them.
what uryours is saying is right on the money! he doesnt have to be a pessimist to say what he did, if he is a pessimist then you must be afraid of change! at least something is being said.... one person cant change the way things are going and i know no one likes what is happening to the sport. so intsead of telling him to do it himself how about we give him a bit of support!

at least he had the balls to say something and all he does is get rejected for saying the obvious! if u dont tell people how u feel how the hell are u supposed to get things changed?

lets try and do something about it, i dont have a clue what it is or what it could be but what ever someone does to try and improve the situation, the rest of the bowling community SHOULD be behind that person all the way!!!!

i know i will be!

cya later
Pipes ... 'Upyours' did not offer one suggestion in his posting. Just alot of criticism and after checking most of his postings they all follow the same thread. If you're not part of the solution then you're part of the problem. Critics are usually shot down quickly. On the other hand positive suggestions are often accepted. This topic sounds more like bait for some heated volleys.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
cookie said:
Pipes ... 'Upyours' did not offer one suggestion in his posting. Just alot of criticism and after checking most of his postings they all follow the same thread. If you're not part of the solution then you're part of the problem. Critics are usually shot down quickly. On the other hand positive suggestions are often accepted. This topic sounds more like bait for some heated volleys.

Cookie ..Are you another on the non-readers on this forum?
Please read the last paragraph of my original post. I do offer solutions!
Your reply sounds suspiciously similar to many of the retorts given by TBA officers who try and discredit those who speak the truth.
Please read the last paragraph of my original post. I do offer solutions!

Cobow....That exactly what I expect from a whoop whoop town like Colac. If you're happy with status quo, continue doing what you've been doing for the last 20 years. The survivors will be the open thinkers. As for your centre...R.I.P. I'll be first in line to buy your bowl dirt cheap.

Pipes....Thank you for understanding..

KriDdLe....What you can do is this. Tell all your mates that they need to learn to bowl thru hard work and training. You can NOT buy talent. And lastly...QUESTION AUTHORITY!

AdrianS....You're on the right track son.

Andrew S...Where did I say I stopped playing? And do you really believe that bowling is as challenging today as it was 25 years ago..or 15 years ago, or even five years ago? Bowling today is a joke...Maybe that's why so many greats have retired from competition. Where are Frank Ryan, Terry Wenban, Ian Bradford, Chris Batson and countless other champions of our sport today?

Not as challenging?
That totally depends on your status/average in the game. The top echelon probably do find it less challenging, and I believe you are speaking on behalf of the elite bowlers when you say there is no challenge any more.
To the average league hacker there is probably even more challenge these days as they see the gap between themselves and the elite widening every year.
As for not enjoying it any more, I suggest you reassess the league in which you do bowl.
Enjoyment is always something you can fix.
To be quite honest I think you are on a fishing expedition and I think you will be highly successful.
You nearly got me hooked on this topic but I just couldn't stop laughing. Another know it all. Actions speak louder than words. By the way I am a reader of this forum. Bowling is my life at the moment so I've heard people like you all too often. But I promise you one thing .... you start up the perfect association and I am your number one member.
hey up yours. you seem to know everything. i wish you luck in your effort change everything behind your p.c

cobow :)
it seems every year at least once, someone comes across as trying to save bowling from its "dark depths".

this years contender seems to be upyours.

like many others have said ACTIONS SPEAK!!!

upyours, you take the first step and have written proof, or allow bowlers to notice such changes the you are in the process of making to save this sport, then PEOPLE WILL LISTEN AND MAY START TO BELIEVE THAT YOU CAN HELP AND PUT BOWLING BACK TO THE LEVELS OF COMPETITION / PARTICIPANTS / COVERAGE ETC. IT EXPERIENCE IN THE LAST FEW DECADES!!!

however without this requirement, you will slip into the forgotten like others before you.

the first step could be getting a few signatures of who supports your views because even though one person can make a difference, its a hell of a lot easier to make a difference with people to back you up.

--- on a little side note, is it honestly that hard to put your name to your post???
people will then know who you are, and they may even come up to you in the bowling centres and say they're with you and want to help!!!

Luke. :)
KriDdLe....What you can do is this. Tell all your mates that they need to learn to bowl thru hard work and training. You can NOT buy talent. And lastly...QUESTION AUTHORITY!

what do you mean question authority ????[
As usual another one who knows everything.
Yes I agree something needs to be done, but yet another organisation revamp, how many do we need before it is done right??? Bowling centres do promote leagues etc, but unfortunately to keep in business they must rely on social bowlers coming in. A bowling centre cannot financially survive on leagues. As for member numbers declining, have you ever thought that costs may have an effect. I enjoy bowling, but unfortunatley this sport is becoming to rich, (as with most things). The sport of ten pins 20 years ago relied very heavily on skill, it was a consistent shot, hitting the same board every shot at the same speed, miss by a board and you knew about it!!!! Nowadays it seems if you have the money you can buy the balls that "help", have a look at the "lets look in that bag again" forum and see how many balls bowlers are carrying, and how many balls they are buying in the near future, with these balls there is less skill needed, you only have to hit an area for the results your after, a bit faster a bit slower, doesn't matter any more. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying you don't need any skill, but certainly not what was needed 15 years ago!!!! These sort of improvements have turned the sport into a rich sport, those who can afford the best in technology will go further, those who may have the skill but not the equipment struggle. I can shoot 220 average if the condition of the lanes suit my equiptment. But if the lanes are oiled heavier, I have less reaction and have to be a lot more accurate with the shot, where as the bowler with more balls will pul out his "heavy oil ball" and will whip my a**e with ease. Cost restricts me from "keeping up with the jones' equiptment" so I wont waste my money entering scratch tournaments, and my average is to high to compete in handicapped tournaments. There are many reasons why ten pin bowling is declining in members numbers, these are just a couple of reasons that stop me and probably many others. Ultimately it is the big organisations and the developements in ball technology but you can't just keep blaming the centres or organisations, something needs to be done, but blaming one area is not the way to do it. It needs all parties to work together and an understanding of EVERYONE's needs. :? :? :?
this is one thing I see on here all the time and i am a bit tired of seeing people say it. ok granted the equipment has made a quantum leap since the urethane years and it does give a little edge to the "rev challenged" players. but god look back 15 20 years and how many crankers or so called power players were there? sweet f**k all to any. look at today's fields, we are basically dominated by crankers, power players and power strokers. so of course it's going to look like the game is a lot eaiser, god I am bit of a power payer and i will tell you it is alot more forgiving, it does give you a wider area to hit but also at the same token it also narrows how much area you have to hit. if you look at it with an open mind you will see that the game is just the same as it once was, the scores are only higher because of power players being able to explode racks with their power.
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