
The Spanner

Tenpin's Jamie Lyon
Hey guys.

Have noticed more and more people wearing Ipods during tournaments.

What is your opinion on the use of them?

As bowling is a social game, I first thought that it was pretty rude to your playing partners to be off 'somewhere else' constantly, especially for 10 games or more.

On the other hand, I wore one last night while bowling league. Our league normally has loud music playing, but it's been turned down of late. So I brought my own. Ended up bowling my highest official game (277). I was pretty much in the zone, grooving along to my own choice of music, and as loud as I wanted. I'm not sure people appreciated my singing along, but hey ;) what was I to do?

So ... whats the verdict? ... As you can see, I'm a bit torn now.
Honestly, I was playing in a league where one person on the other side decided to read a book in between her turn. Sorry to say but it is annoying, you are there to have fun and socialise with other people if they want to read a book then go to a library.

In your case, listening to your IPOD and scoring 277 will be more annoying.
Maybe, if you can give me your playlist when you scored 277 then I might be OK ;)
I always wear mine...I just find its easier to concentrate and i just like my music anyways
I would have to say things like reading a book at the Bowling Alley defenitly annoy me, the only problem I have with someone listening to their Ipod or MP3 is when I am trying to talk to them and they cant hear you because they have their music turned up to loud. My question is why go bowling with your Ipod turned up so loud no one can talk to you without feeling they have disturbed you?
The Spanner said:
Hey guys.
Have noticed more and more people wearing Ipods during tournaments.
What is your opinion on the use of them?
As bowling is a social game, I first thought that it was pretty rude to your playing partners to be off 'somewhere else' constantly, especially for 10 games or more.
On the other hand, I wore one last night while bowling league. Our league normally has loud music playing, but it's been turned down of late. So I brought my own. Ended up bowling my highest official game (277). I was pretty much in the zone, grooving along to my own choice of music, and as loud as I wanted. I'm not sure people appreciated my singing along, but hey ;) what was I to do?
So ... whats the verdict? ... As you can see, I'm a bit torn now.
congrats on the game pete

i dont mind listening to mp3s imbetween shots its a good way to tune out and relax but i wouldnt listen to tunes while im bowling i have enough probs with my timing as it is.
I don't wear mine during league.....I enjoy the social aspect of that.

However, I like to wear it during tournies, just as an internal focus of sorts. I keep the volume at a level comfortably enuff so that I can enjoy the music, but still hear what is going on on the lanes, and have a conversation. I too, unfortunately, have a bad habit of singing along tho, which is not always pleasant for those sharing my lanes......SORRY!!!!;)

Rynz ..

the playlist included gems such as ...

Black Stick - The Cruel Sea
Dont Fall in Love - The Ferrets
Come Dancing - The Kinks
Lucky Number - Lene Lovich
Cat Inna Can - Straitjacket Fits
A Hard Rains Gonna Fall - Bryan Ferry
Coppertone - Lemonheads
Spaceman - Babylon Zoo
Lifetime Piling Up - Talking Heads
Crazy Birds - Not Drowning, Waving.

Had to go to the ipod to remember them .. i was too far in the zone.
Hey Spanner,

Nice game mate \\:D/

Interesting choice of music, I would have pictured you to be a Beach Boys Dude ;) On that topic it would be interesting to here what people listen to!!!

Mine has:
Eminem, 2 Pac, BEP, Ludacris, Snoop Dogg, Ice Cube, Ciara, 50 Cent, Lil Jon, Busta Rhymes, Outkast, Nelly, R.Kelly, Kayne West, Rihanna, Sean Paul etc etc

As I don't bowl I can't comment on listening on the lanes, but I use mine on the train always (mainly to combat boredom) I think the aspect of concentration on the lanes is good, however they do encourage anti social behaviour (ie: interaction with opponents & other team members) but as long as there's a happy medium I think you can't go wrong

My 2 bob anyway
Enjoy your music & sing loudly when no one is around :lol:
The Spanner said:
Rynz ..
the playlist included gems such as ...
Black Stick - The Cruel Sea
Dont Fall in Love - The Ferrets
Come Dancing - The Kinks
Lucky Number - Lene Lovich
Cat Inna Can - Straitjacket Fits
A Hard Rains Gonna Fall - Bryan Ferry
Coppertone - Lemonheads
Spaceman - Babylon Zoo
Lifetime Piling Up - Talking Heads
Crazy Birds - Not Drowning, Waving.
Had to go to the ipod to remember them .. i was too far in the zone.

I better start digging for those songs maybe I can break my official highest game (269) too. ;)
I don't use mine during league or tournaments as I like to talk to people and focus 100% on my game.

However I do listen to it before I start a tournament as it tends to relax me a bit.

Some of my favourite tournament tunes include:

"Would" - Alice in Chains
"Cold Reader" - Stone Sour
"What Drives the Weak" - Shadows Fall
"When Darkness Falls" - Killswitch Engage
"BYOB" - System of a Down
"So Cold" - Breaking Benjamin
"Show Me a Sign" - Breaking Point
"Choke" - Cauterize
"Imprint" - Double Drive
"Texas Cries" - Element Eighty
"My Last Serenade" - Killswitch Engage


Steve:D :D
My mobile phone rang once whilst I was bowling and I continued to bowl with the ear piece in and giving the caller a description of the release and shot, must say though my opponents were no happy, but what's the difference in listening to an Ipod or using your mobile phone.

This funniest thing I have seen an heard is when a bowler is so focussed with their Ipod in their ear and the volume turned up so loud they can't hear the derogatory comments being made around them (oops sorry this is not acceptable in Tenpin Bowling LOL) they look around and everyone is having a laugh at their expense.

Oh, what happened to the days when you could share a can of drink with your mates and not have to worry about catching AIDS and you would leave you school lunch in your bag and not be poisoned by salmonella, fun was swinging on the old Hills Hoist clothes line and getting walloping for it, what did we all do before computers, mobile phones, play stations, CD's,DVD's, oops sorry I forgot I am only appealing to the audience born prior to 1984, which is probably 1/8 of the audience on here ! What happened to the old art of conversation and interaction ?
Black Duck said:
, What happened to the old art of conversation and interaction ?

Faded into oblivion unfortunately along with my bowling shot at the moment.
Still during league my team has quite a few laughs and occasionally things can get a bit loud but most of the other team don't seem to mind and we find they also get caught up in the comraderie. Unfortunately some players get upset by this. We say - bad luck - your loss - go back to your Ipod and see how much fun that can be when the batteries run out.

I agree they have their uses in tournaments etc but to what detriment. Singles events I think would be of more benefit but a team event - no, use the team motivation and use the strength of the team to help you focus and bowl your best.
its just a matter of the prefference of the person. it is seen to be quite a mental strategy these days. if anything my music would distract me while im taking my actual shot, but each bowler to themselves....
rynzeski said:
I better start digging for those songs maybe I can break my official highest game (269) too. ;)

You'll have to get "I am an Island" by Richard Clapton too ... It was probably the one that fired me up the most.

Good Luck.
I've never tried listeniing to music on iPod or anything while I was bowling, but I reckon that a good song to get you going would be 'Pump It' by the Black Eyed Peas. Lyrics and all :)


Rowey :p
Whats the policy on bowlers (especially in tournaments) listening to their mp3 players whilst they are actually bowling. I mean its in there pockets and in there ears when they are taking their shot...
Good luck to you people when the building is on FIRE :-\" :-\" :-\"
Everyone else can hear the fire drill but you :rolleyes:
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