
Jay_212 said:
Whats the policy on bowlers (especially in tournaments) listening to their mp3 players whilst they are actually bowling. I mean its in there pockets and in there ears when they are taking their shot...

Well, at our shield roll off's some people had them in their ears between our shots, and we were told to take them out incase there was a fire and we wouldnt be able to hear the bell/annoucements , And we also got told that they are banned at Shield.

But if there was a fire I think you would know about it, because if a few people got up and ran I'm sure you would take it out of your ear and ask what is going on?

Well just my thoughts.
bitchy lil brunette said:
Well, at our shield roll off's some people had them in their ears between our shots, and we were told to take them out incase there was a fire and we wouldnt be able to hear the bell/annoucements , And we also got told that they are banned at Shield.
But if there was a fire I think you would know about it, because if a few people got up and ran I'm sure you would take it out of your ear and ask what is going on?
Well just my thoughts.
I agree with you Jodes..most people do that. But i have seen this guy who will take his shot and will sit on the first seat facing the lanes and we all can see the " BIG INVISIBLE SIGN" that says..DO NOT DISTURB ME IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I suppose if it's a singles league it's his choice but if it's a Team Thing, i don't want him bowling in my team ;)
The Spanner said:
I'm old, but I'm not that old. Thanks

Hey Pete,

I wasn't implying you're old, I was thinking more along the lines of beach bum (I could see you cruzing & bumming around, back in the day) I'm only 28 & I love the Beach Boys, Janis Joplin, Suzie Q, Dr Hook, The Eagles, Fleetwood Mac, Led Zepplin, Bob Marley etc etc. They all rock & I grew up with them

Be good
I Pete good tread,
I myself use one but only have one ear plug in so that way I can still hear what is going on, The ruling for this is simple as long as you are not disturbing anyone else IE music to loud or that it is interfering with another player you are able to have them. But here is the thing if you drop or any part of it falls on the lane it will be consider a foul if you pick it up , so please make sure someone else does that for you .

Yeah i dont mind it that much i only listen to mine when im frustrated! But the question is when shield comes around in 2 weeks what will the other teams think and say about ppl listening to them! i dont care if ppl wear them in leagues and that but when in major tournaments like nationals it is rude and un sprotsman like as they show no team effort and appreciation.
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