
I've had a few strains in my fingers, which has led to strain in my wrist and up my arm. Sometimes I can stress my arm by trying to cup my wrist or gripping the fingers a bit too hard, and that in turn can strain my arm. That happened when I was using a ball that had a span that was a bit too short for me, but it was basically because I was trying to cup my wrist and grip the ball so hard.

One time back at 2004 Nationals in the Intercentre Cup, I had started a game but was in a lot of pain because I had strained my fingers. After checking with the tournament officials and basically everybody else I had to ask, I got permission to finish off the game 2 handed. I still bowled a very nice 103 game ;)

Also, and hopefully this doesn't ever happen to you, but if anybody knows how stupid I am, they'll know about when I tried to ride a shot halfway through my back swing and almost took my leg off when I hit my leg with the ball. My leg swelled up to almost twice the size as the other leg. I learned pretty quickly not to do that one.


Rowey :p
You may also get injuries because you are doing something in your shot that you dont normally do, for example, a while ago i wasnt bending down in my shot at the foul line, i was just basically leaning over, me doing this (which i normally dont do) after a while caused me to hurt my back!
about 3 months ago i was bowling in a masters i had torn the bicepts in my right arm as i was going up to bowl it happened as i was playing a very different shot to what i usually do and i didnt have time to warm up before practice time was put on and i had bowled a lot of squads that day it was a mix of over bowling and not warming up in result ive learnt a valuable lesson for future i am currently out for another 3 months yet mayb longer

steve armstrong
The only injury I got whilst bowling was strianed knee..

Don't know how I did that, probably put too much pressure while bowling. It was during the start of the first game in league, continued bowling and got average.. hehe..

yeah probably not best to bowl on injuries but you know what they say. No Pain No Brain ;) ...

Have fun
My middle joint of my middle finger is rooted from bowling. Been seeing a phyisotherapist not entirely sure wats wrong. She thinks its just weak tendons? either way its so painfull i can no longer knock on a door!

When i first started i had alot of problems with my groin and ankle from inconsistant slide.

Also suffered some elbow and wrist pain from over bowling and stuff like that.
The only injuries that I remember having would be when i twisted my ankle before last years second day shield rolls and doing my left hip up at a tournament in bundaberg awhile back. Cant really explain how the hip injury happened because I dont know myself but thinking that it would have been from me doing something wrong that day of bowling. Gladly so far, I havent done anything that has put me out for months but I know that it will happen sooner rather than later but hoping for later. The next thing I'm thinking to go would either be my knee, shoulder or wrist.
Over bowling:
Yes, its possible. I did this and it almost ended me (well my bowling). Ended up with Golfers Elbow and I must wear an arm brace now everytime I bowl.

The drilling on your ball:
If the pitches in your thumb or fingers is wrong, it can lead to an injury of some description.

That shoecover comment I saw...ask Mr RotoGrip about that. He is an expert in that department hahaha!! ;)
As others have mentioned, having the wrong technique (ie: too much bending etc) can lead to injuries, especially a back injury.
Shoulder injuries can occur from backswings or incorrect ball weights (this can also lead to back injuries).

There are many ways in bowling that can lead to injuries...
Injuries - I can name a few lol

Bowling at Hornsby in the Sydney intercentre a few years back, I forgot to take my shoe cover off, and landed flat on my face at the foul line - still bowled 180:rolleyes:

Using the Figure 8 delivery technique - broke my ankle by bowling too close - it is possible (and painful)!

Strained knee - can happen at any time, but seems to be very common whenever I bowl in finals!
Thumb stuck in the ball.
I once dislocated my thumb from hanging up in a thumbhole.
Back injuries are my biggest bugbear, had them for years, basically because I had a very high backswing from ages 10-17, and because of some of the jobs I've done in the past.
I get wrist problems now and then. In my case it's probably age catching up with me more than anything else.
As a junior many years ago, I had a conventional drilling and that led to a bony lump forming on the second knuckle of my middle finger. That's when I changed to finger tip because it may have ended up breaking my finger if I continued with conventional drilling. That bony lump is still on my finger but never bothered me any more.
I have been fortunate not to have much in the way of injuries, but did strain muscles in my upper arm once, so i had to strap my wrist and arm for a little while.

Cramps in you hand, fingers and thumb are quite painful as well. Be careful next time you pick up you ball with just your thumb, i did that once and as soon as i put down the ball, my thumb was cramped across my palm, and i couldn't move it properly for a good 20 mins after that (thank god this was after i'd finished bowling)
Did my hamstring bowling on Aspley's approaches in about the 4th last week of league this year. Sticky approach, body over-rotated a little too far, tweaked the back of the thigh, hamstring pulled. Put me out of a couple of tournaments, and basically bowled league with one leg until the end of the year. Restrained it at Redcliffe Open in December when my shoe didn't slide.

I had about 15 times the amount of injuries when I was bowling one handed. A wrist injury initially caused me to switch to two handed, and well an increase in average of 30 pins can't be a bad thing. I can't see me going back for a long time - I'd probably quit bowling before I'd go one handed again now.

Other injuries have included wrist, forearm and shoulder.

Then of course there is the brain injuries. But no, bowling is apparently so easy nowdays you don't need to think! Sorry couldn't resist. It's always good to see the furrowed brows and frowns at the bigger tournaments..
falling down a lane lol

i was coaching one night and kinda jsut started bowling and i heard a click in my knee now this was in august and i still get the pains i tore ligaments but god it hurt when i bowled
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