I encourage everyone to let this guy know he's a loser

I suggest he meets a few Grads From WSU, Nebraska, West Texas State(I think, the collage Marc McDowell came out of anyway) especially every WSU team member from the last 15 yrs, hit 537 against those guys tool and prepare to get played biyotch!!!!!
I think it's time for one of my favourite movie quotes. From Billy Maddison...

"...what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."

That guy is stupid.

Later Da Cowman!
Do what I did and send the guy a constructive email. Remember though if you make it a personal attack then you are no better than he is.
That poor pathetic little loser!!! Obviously has nothing better to do with his time than to hang **** on people & brag about his HUGE 573 series = 179 average
that whinger needs a good whack with the ping pong, oops! i mean table tennis bat around the head. obviously the ####head is holding a grudge against our sport, he should stick that table tennis bat up his ###
*'TOPHER* said:

what an average... 179.... i know 15 year old girls in this state that'd be dissapointed with an average like that :p i say some of our rep bowlers should write to him!
Here's my 2 cents about that article ...
1. I agree with Track X. This guy is a total loser. I think he's one of the few ppl in this world who think bowling is not a sport. :mad:
2. This guy has no neck & looks like a non - midget version of Gary Coleman, whose from that ol' skool show Diff'rent Strokes who says "whatcha talkin about Willis?!?!".
This article - and many of the responses to it - encapsulate what bowling is up against. Anyone who wants to reinforce the authors opinions about bowling just has to write back anlong the lines of "Bowling IS a sport and you're a PATHETIC LOSER SO THERE!".

Attitudes like this can only be changed with a bit of education about the sport. If you do want to write back, justify why bowling is a sport. Tell the guy about your training schedule, about bowling 16+ games straight, on varying lane conditions. Let him know why his 179 average is not so good.
Bowling requires good balance, timing, and hand-eye coordination, as well as the ability to adjust to a changing lane condition. It is, at the top level, a difficult game physically and a very demanding sport mentally. As far as physical fitness requirements go, it is more like golf than soocer or football, and I am sure that the author would consider golf a sport.

Persuasion is far better than abuse. Convince him that bowling is a sport, and you have a sports writer on-side. Convince him that bowlers are rude yobs with no clue, and you have him even more offside.

And yes, I will be writing to him. Nicely. Mostly. :D

Cheers, Robbie.
Well said Rob, I was thinking of how to reply and you said it perfectly.

All he was saying was that IS how the world thinks of bowling, whether you like it or not. It's the harsh truth of what the majority of people think. Sure - education and information can help people understand, but it always has been (and perhaps always will be ?) the downfall of bowling.

Perhaps construct a civilised email to him and tell him your point of view (and some facts), but attacking him because he has an opinion that is different to your own will not win any points - with anyone.
Ahhhhhhhhh well he's shot 537/3 on some ditched up wall shot somewhere - Quick!! sign him up for the next PBA Event :rolleyes:

Actually he ought get a wildcard into some Regional event somewhere just so he can be shown up for the fat, armchair hack he probably is.
Also remember that many people are hard headed and no matter what you tell them they will always think they are right.Good luck in convincing him that its a sport as he sure made an effort to get his word out there.
Yes the guy is what you classify as an uneducated TOOL but Graham is right. The people that really enjoy the game and have a passion for it like us are but a small minority in what is a huge world. I could sit back and what bowling for hours but thats just me. What the world see when they think of bowling is the shot from kingpin when they walk into the centre in Reno and see 6 fat overweight guys sit back eating pies and pizzas. But anyways goodluck to the guy and his 537, i hope he feels stoked because when it comes down to games that require the more use of the brain then any others ( Bowling, Darts, Billirads and Chess) I would like to take him on. Email him let him know where the game of bowling stands.

Matthew Lambrick
Over the years I've had my fair share of knockers. My response has always been the same. I can play your sport and do well can you play mine? I've been tested on this and they simply can't match our skill or strength. Without practise I walk out side, pass a football to his chest from a great distance, side step, catch and tackle with above average results. Put a bowling ball in their hands and say, ok now rev the ringer out of it, hook it 20 boards and average 200. Or should I say see you in five years? We can play their game can they play ours? More often than not they can't, we are a skillfull bunch.:agrue: :agrue: :agrue: :agrue:
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