Bowlers wanted for Pacesetters League at Chadstone


We have vacancies for two four person teams to bowl in the league on Tuesday nights. Start is 6:30 pm with practice going on at 6:25 pm approx.

The league runs a points system consisting of:

1 point for a head to head win on handicap against your corresponding opponent (4 points x 3 games = 12 Points)
1 point for bowling over average (4 points X 3 games = 12 points per team possible)
2 points for winning the team game (2 points X 3 games = 6 points)
2 points for winning the overall. (2 points)

The bowlers must bowl in highest to lowest handicap order.

We are only two weeks in to a new season and it costs $24 per week to bowl.

Come and join a great league and have some fun.

Contact Chadstone bowl if your interested or send me a pm.

Would love to join the league again as I do miss it but somehow I think the travelling might be a bit much for me.

It is such a great league. It's very hard to find a league where the bowlers are so competative but yet really friendly. If the payouts are still the same then it's an added incentive as everybody certainly got their moneys worth at the end of the season.

I shouldn't complain though coz for giving up Pacesetters I got a really great life style in return.

Good luck with filling the vacancies in the league and will catch up no doubt during the year.


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