7-10 conversion or hole in one?

Jay_212 said:
Also the amount of times i woulda spared the 7/10 if it was there, quite a few times

Thats like saying that if the cup was a few feet to left it would've been a hole in one!
They are both hard in their own right. I'd say 7-10's are converted more as a direct %, but the real talent lies in actually leaving one first. haha. I've spared too sanctioned. One of them was to beat Frawls in brackets one night in league where all I had to do was close the tenth frame. As for hole-in-ones... I barely make hole-in-tens!!!

Later Da Cowman!
Definetly a hole in one. There is a lot more skill involved in getting a hole inone such as hitting it right, allowing for any wind if there is some, and actually getting the ball to bounce right and roll right. With the 7-10, you just have to hit a pin hard enough or in the right spot to get it to bounce or roll across to the other pin. Cya!
Hole in Tens eh Cow? Yeah I understand where you are comin from with that one. lol. :p
With the 7-10, Rowey said you just have to hit a pin hard enuff. Well, you have to be accurate as well...or do as a lot of people do...throw and hope...I spose throwing and hoping would be similar to me on a golf course...smack and hope. :?
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