What a shambles

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After bowling at Milton tonight I cant hold back anymore it was an absoulte shambles after practice there was 2 pairs of lanes out allready that just doesnt cut it. Then halfway through the second game on the pair I was bowling on shat it self and the poor mechanic was run off his feet from there on in. I can tell u now if things dont change in a big hurry in the centre there wont be any leagues at all next year. Now to the lane conditions that was the iceing on the cake what the hell were we bowling on tonight i tell you what i may aswell of taken my gear and gon and bowled on milton road would of been just as bad it was terrible. i have alot of sympathy to the guys and girls bowling on the rubbish on the weekend for the state champs. I just think that something should be done sooner rather than later or milton will struggle next year and i dont want to see it happen it was once a great centre to bowl in. I encrouge everybody that feels the same way or has somthing else to add please do so maybe the mangment then might do somthing.:confused:
You had to know as soon as Harold left the place was going to get run into the ground. Milton needs an owner and manager who actually know how to run a bowling centre and get something done about the old machines. But we all know that wont happen
Scott, with so many 300's there in the past 2 months, more than any other centre in Qld, the lane condition cant be that bad surely??????
Maybe it was a bad night and the oil machine stuffed up.
Aside from the conditions (which I cant really complain about, I didn;t like then last night...but hey...who doesn't have anight like that occassioanlly) the situation at Milton is to put it mildly unaccceptable. Every week at least 1 pair of Lanes has to move, I feel sorry for the control staff as they cop the brunt of our anger and for the poor young tech as he was run off his feet fixing things that were not his doing.

I doubt they will have any problems with the lanes next year however, unless of course they can find a league to bowl on them, even if they can find a league.
Does anyone know whats happening with the All Stars league next year? Is the league staying at Milton, folding or moving centres??
Cannon Hill has lanes new one at that. They start on them on Sunday Morning
Scott give us a call
I cant complain too much about the conditions, however the machines breaking down or the scoring systems screwing up drives me insane.
I have to agree with cass - i cant complain about the conditions but every week without fail lately the machines do break down (recycling themsleves before you have had your spare shot, dropping pins) or the scoring system doesnt work properly.
It's just not one thing but many.
Alot of ppl getting very cranky atm.
i would just like to add to this day 4 days on 9 and 10 are still out and not working what a great team they have over there
scott said:
After bowling at Milton tonight I cant hold back anymore it was an absoulte shambles after practice there was 2 pairs of lanes out allready that just doesnt cut it. Then halfway through the second game on the pair I was bowling on shat it self and the poor mechanic was run off his feet from there on in. I can tell u now if things dont change in a big hurry in the centre there wont be any leagues at all next year. Now to the lane conditions that was the iceing on the cake what the hell were we bowling on tonight i tell you what i may aswell of taken my gear and gon and bowled on milton road would of been just as bad it was terrible. i have alot of sympathy to the guys and girls bowling on the rubbish on the weekend for the state champs. I just think that something should be done sooner rather than later or milton will struggle next year and i dont want to see it happen it was once a great centre to bowl in. I encrouge everybody that feels the same way or has somthing else to add please do so maybe the mangment then might do somthing.:confused:

Sorry about the delay Scott. I have just been informed that you had a pot shot at me about whining on this site all the time?
Correct me if I’m wrong but are you not whining in your above post? That is one of the most blatant cases of a whinnying sook i have ever seen.
I have no problem with your whining Scott because i have better things to worry about, so how about you do the same and go and find something decent to have a sook about instead of having a pot shot at me for no reason.
I don't know what it is that i have done to upset you, because i have not seen you for quite a long time. But feel free to grow a set of nuts and give me a call, i am sure you still have my number from the last time we spoke, i believe it was when you needed to borrow something for your car, or was it the racing helmet i lent you that you've never given back?
See what i mean mate, if i wanted to whine on here i could come up with heaps of stuff! So how about you get over it?

I look forward to your prompt and grammatically incorrect response.

I would put my number on here for you but i don't want all the ladies to hassle me again!

I apologize for my whining everyone, but i just thought i would square up. ;)
I bowled in the State's there and there was even a pair of lanes break down during the Open Masters. The lane conditions that is another story. Have not bowled in a worse centre. I walked in on a Friday lunch time and there was no one in the centre, how can this be right. There should at least be social bowlers in there. In the State's I was lucky to ave a 160 and the weekend before at Aspley I aved a 194. Something has to be done with the place.

I do have on positive, the food there is really nice and well priced.
hey to the guys that are whinging about milton, I have to agree with RC why the hell dont u just shut up, get a life and bowl at another center. simple really. No the hardest thiong to do is it, or could it be the fatc that something keeps drawing u back tot the place....

AS FOR ANDREWH, i cant say anything about the machines or watever, but really if u are so good on one center and **** in another then really doesnt that come back to ther bowler who simply cant adjust to the conditions. Hey if evbery center was the same then where would the fun be in bowling.

So really the point of my reply is if u donmt like the cenetr, then leave it and bowl elsewhere, and if u cant shoot wat u do in other centers then either learn to bowl on different conditions or stay at home and think ur great....

Sorry bout teh spelling mistakes and watever else,
So lets get over it all and have a good time

Cheers Vossy
i know there were a few breakdowns last weekend but to say the lane conditions were bad is a joke.

Have a look at some of the scores in the open masters, there was a massive shot there thus the fact brando averaged over 230 in the masters.

If a hack like me could average over the card the lanes werent that bad.

I was once told by a coach when i was growing up that there is always a shot no matter what the conditions of the lanes
Apart from the 'auto' rerack feature on lane2 and some pins flying out from the deck from time to time the level of service at Milton was impeccable.

Scores were high, Brandon avg 250+ in the masters, I avg 240 for all events including 299. Milton put on a good show and actually deserve some recognition for their weekend effort, not constant bagging.

In the great words of Basil Fawlty " There's always some worse off than yourself ".
GeorgeF said:
Apart from the 'auto' rerack feature on lane2 and some pins flying out from the deck from time to time the level of service at Milton was impeccable.

Scores were high, Brandon avg 250+ in the masters, I avg 240 for all events including 299. Milton put on a good show and actually deserve some recognition for their weekend effort, not constant bagging.

In the great words of Basil Fawlty " There's always some worse off than yourself ".

Thanks George, your words mean a lot .........I was working at Milton Saturday morning by myself and it was no easy job keeping things running.

The problem with lane 2 was a short in the gearbox cycle solenoid wiring.............every time the rake swept the deck it would cause the circuit to short and engage the solenoid thus cycling the machine and sweeping the pins away.
It took me quite awhile to even figure out what was going on. I couldn't repair the problem then because i would have had to shut the machine down to cut open the wiring harness to trace the short. So I spent most of the morning sitting on lane 2 manually holding the gearbox clutch latch untill the other mechanic arrived. The only time it shorted out and cycled was when I was answering another call somewhere else. I done the best I could under trying conditions.

helpneeded74 said:
hey to the guys that are whinging about milton, I have to agree with RC why the hell dont u just shut up, get a life and bowl at another center. simple really. No the hardest thiong to do is it, or could it be the fatc that something keeps drawing u back tot the place....
AS FOR ANDREWH, i cant say anything about the machines or watever, but really if u are so good on one center and **** in another then really doesnt that come back to ther bowler who simply cant adjust to the conditions. Hey if evbery center was the same then where would the fun be in bowling.
So really the point of my reply is if u donmt like the cenetr, then leave it and bowl elsewhere, and if u cant shoot wat u do in other centers then either learn to bowl on different conditions or stay at home and think ur great....
Sorry bout teh spelling mistakes and watever else,
So lets get over it all and have a good time
Cheers Vossy

Some of us arent complaining about lane conditions but more of the mechanical aspect. With machines breaking down and not being fixed for 20 minutes it gets beyond a joke. I think that we all reserve the right to be able to have a view on the subject and be able to express it freely without having people coming on here and telling us to shut up. On the subject of leaving and bowling somewhere else, when you put that much money into a league and you are in the top place you tend to not want to leave. like i said my problem is with the machines breaking down. Not lane conditions. I couldnt be happier with conditions at Milton. Also so that you know I am not complaining about the technitions because frankly it isn't thier fault that they may not know how to fix certain problems. I dont plan on causing a fight but i think that we all have a right to be able to voice our opinions, but i dont think that by telling people to shut up that you will get a very welcoming response to your post.
I agree with cassy 100%. Like I said before, the problem with Milton isn't the technitions, it's not the machines or lane conditions, it's poor centre management.
Ninja299 said:
If a hack like me could average over the card the lanes werent that bad.
Cam a hack you are far from being and since winning last years Ipswich cup you are a force to be recond with.
This is the problem with bowling today and forum discussions. Centre's have issues that customers bring up with valid points, a couple of hero's arc up and the person (in this case people) with the problem cops it from people (seems to be 2 in this case) who are talking out their proverbials.

Every person who walks through the door deserves to expect a level of service, if things keep impacting on their bowling like scott has said (and given others have replied with similar problems), they have every right to be upset and complain about it. It seems it isnt just scott with the problem, and even a staff member has reported there have been issues, so why do RC and helpneeded need to come on here acting like terry's?

Take that crap elsewhere, threats, swearing and abuse is petty and should be confined to the school yard (maybe some people havent progressed past this point?), not adults talking about their problems on a forum (ohh wait, this is the internet right?) :rolleyes:
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