State Champs at Innisfail

C'mon Jase just because I support the Roosters, there's no need to get nasty :D:D:D

I would've thought that supporting the Roosters would be the prime reason to get nasty! :D ;)

Then again, at least it's not the Raiders - Surely no one would do that to themselves!! :p lol

Excuse me!!!!!!!!!

Jase may have horrible taste when it comes to AFL and EPL teams but as far as league is concerned he is absolutely positively spot on.....
For that 'comment' Tiger, I'm wearing my Dragons jersey tonight!!!!! :D

To be honest though, I actually have to, as it is the only shirt in my car and won't have time to go home and change! ;)
Congratulations to Marissa Schulze and Tyson Jones on winning the Qld Open masters at Innisfail this weekend. Missy averaging 210 in the masters, sorry Tyson don't know what your average was. Well done to the both of them.

Yes congratulations to both bowlers is was an fantastic display of bowling....Tyson averaged 214 to qualify and in the finals a 230 average and if my calculations are correct Missy averaged 206 to qualify and 227 in the final....

well done also to Edmond Starkey and E-J and Mandy from Innisfail Sugarbowl Lanes... for hosting the event....

Just wondering if there are any score updates for the events that took place this long weekend?

There is a link at the bottom right-hand corner of the SugarBowl website that will take you to all of the results from the May-Day weekend in Innisfail.


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