You future with bowling...

Matti said:
You dont win much money really at a younger age of bowling , i see no point pay so much for s trophey , people go to bowl to socialise really

And I dont see the point of sitting on my arse for 14 hours playing some stupid game thats gonna bore the hell outta me within the first 5 minutes...
Thats so true.
I think everyone has said basically what i would want to say.
Matti if you care so much about money shouldnt you be doing everything you possibly can to be making that money.
Other than that there isnt much point in doing something if you only want some money. As you might have noticed we all dont really give a rats ass about the money we can make through bowling, we do it because we love it.

Me my whole childhood was spent in a bowling centre, i started bowling when i was 5 but i quit when i was 8 because it became boring but that was in a little kids league.
Only 2 years ago i made my return to the sport because of how much i missed bowling and the feeling you get whenu know ur doing something that you love.
And thats the way things should be, you shouldnt be doing something on the off chance you might make some money out of it.
Because if you think like that you wont do any good at all and it will be all downhill from there.

anyways thats all i have to say for now.
Monet isnt everything.
i bowl to get away from everyday life. If i have a problem, i go to bowling and bowl them away, and its all better. Ive been bowling since i was 2 and im used to bowling. its fun and enjoyable. so if you dont like it, GO AWAY! :evil:
thats matti for u.........
Duff Star

Coming from you? someone who think's they know all , thinks there a hell model... ?

I played other sports , eg : Soccer , Cricket , and did quite well in them , when i was 14 i played japan youth team... Someone who works in a bowling , really dosen't want to spend extra time bowling there as well , wait till you get a job and find out how hard it is .. Bowling really , is just a sociable event , everyone goes there to talk... And ppl saying i have no friends... Weird , im guessing you know my personal life too..
And I dont see the point of sitting on my **** for 14 hours playing some stupid game thats gonna bore the hell outta me within the first 5 minutes...

Im guessing your computer can just handle msn and icq , and nice dial up...

sitting for 14 hrs? no.... i think you would be either blind ,

computers for me is a hobby , i study about them , why i like them so much , computers are the future really..
Well...Im going to disagree with you there. I work in a bowling alley and I enjoy every ounce of time Im there, its like a second home to me. And as for bowling being just social, well ok yes that is the case sometimes, but not always. Even when Im bowling with some of my fellow bowling friends for practise Im not there to socialise til after Ive bowled.
Im sure there are some others out there who will agree with me somewhere along the line...
Matti wrote:
You dont win much money really at a younger age of bowling , i see no point pay so much for s trophey , people go to bowl to socialise really

well matti i think your very wrong.... gone are years where juniors can't bowl for cash.... i mean as far as leagues go... why don't you join a cash league? at least you'd get something beck... even if it is only game money???

i remember a young pres sheild bowler "Leigh Seager" that i bowled 6pm doubles with at fairlanes a few years ago... we fininished the league in second place and we both walked away with just over $1000 each!!!!
not bad for a 16year old (he was at the time) to be winning that sort of money??? i think for memory he paid for his pres shield trip with the money he won...

anyway my point being there is cash to be made out there...
for all juniors, adults and seniors....


p.s. adrian i'm still waiting for those pic's??? lmao
There is some money in Junior bowling but it doesn't come close to Youth/Adult.

There's only a couple of events all year that are junior only that you can win more than $100 odd dollars.

One is nationals, I picked up $1100 for 1st prize in that one.

The other is Sydney Cup, $1000 first place this year for boys and $750 for girls.
Look how much money you spend

Decent bowling ball $500
shoes $500

I know my computer cost's alot...

my video card is past the $600 range

In leagues , you pay more the you get back..

how can you work and then go back there everyday? i worked for a private center and a AMF , private we were only allowed to stay there for 15mins and leave after our shift finished.. AMF you do really whateva ...
That's a pretty big stab at the ones who love bowling, isn't it Matti?

Given the fact that I work in the IT industry, and I also bowl (well, I try to anyway), I've found this a very interesting read.

Firstly, I can assure you that although the money is OK (yes, only OK...), the work is not a walk-over. The only reason I like it so much is because it's a challenge...and a big one at that - I would go crazy if I didn't keep myself on my toes all the time. The days are long (so are the nights and mornings), the deadlines are hectic, and sometimes, the politics are just ridiculous.

I'm not writing this to try to discourage you, I'm just giving you some first hand advice, that's all. Try not to assume that all testers get 10K a month, because they don't. That's not to say that they don't exist, because I'm sure they do!

Secondly, I, like everyone else here, bowls for the love of the game. I don't have a tonne of mates that bowl, so I'm obviously not there for social reasons - I'm there to bowl, and (try to) bowl well. I think that your comments on bowling being only a social thing is a big assumption...

Anyway, that's my 2 bob. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me either by email or PM - I wish you all the best in your future endeavours!

Evert Ballesteros :)
excuse me matti...... but i work at mt warren bowl and i love bowling AND working you can shutup....whenever im working, i always want to bowl!!!!! yeh....SO SHUTUP!!!! :evil:
Yeah, you go Missy...Ive already said it, but Ill say it again, I work at a bowl and obviously bowl there as well and I LOVE EVERY OUNCE OF TIME SPENT THERE!!!!
I dont play the game for the money, I do it coz I love it, money is secondary to my enjoyment of the game.
i started working at once since i was 14 , kinda been 4 years really , try working for a priv center and see how much harder it is...
A privately owned centre??? Well...I hate to rain on your parade but I DO WORK FOR ONE!!! And I think it is great. I dont find anything to be 'hard' or 'tough'. Sure Ive only been working for these people for a year and a half but Im loving it.
i too work in a privately owned centre... and have been for the last 6years.... i love the game for the game itself... (remember it's only a game!!!) i want to see every junior that comes in to enjoy themselves... including the ones that can hardly even hold a 6lb ball... i've always enjoyed the game since i was a young one but since working in a bowling centre i've really grown to love it even more.... sure the pay is not the best(when you compare to my old dj'ing and roofing jobs) but the satisfaction i get from helping out these kids and special needs clients is better than any amount of money....
i'm here cause i've got a big heart for the game...
if you've lost your heart matti i'd suggest you leave the game....just cause you've lost it don't make anyone lose interest... it's not their fault that YOU don't have what it takes to make it.... we should be keeping the interest of the sport with the junior bowlers... cause they are really our next champions....
call me crazy, but by golly i think i'm right... lol
Well Matti,

Obviously your a tool, cos by saying why bother bowling cos theres no money, yeah well you can sit on your ass all dayand play dungeons and dragons and ill go out and train my ass off and win Super 6, so stuff ya, obviously you werent a good bowler anyway.
i like spider, ur awsome..... i think matti should get off his a** and try doing sumthing worth while......and make some friends, i dont just bowl for money, i bowl for the love of the game, for social, money is just a bonus....... so stuff you! :twisted:
WTF are u doing on a bowling forum, go and register on a dungeons and dragons forum...i cant understand why u would register on a bowling forum, only to come on here, and simply bag the sport and attempt to insult the people (everyone else ont his forum except u!!!) who really love their bowling....
This must register for the hall of shame....its insane! This kid needs help....
Peace out....
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