Where Are Northern NSW Roll Offs??



Just wonderin if anyone from the team or elsewhere knew where the roll offs are to be held for next years Northern NSW shield team. Info greatly appreciated! :D
hey hey i dont know where they are but i was wondering anyone knew what you have to bowl to be eligable to roll off for Northern team cos someone that i know is moving up north and wants to roll off for northern... so if anyone could post this that would be great thanks heaps!
luv shellbs
The place for Northern roll-offs hasn't been decided yet. More should be known afer this weekends meeting where the venue will be decided. As for the requirements for rolling-off they will be on the nomination forms when they come out.
Northern Rolloffs

Ok well can someone please email me or post a message on this forum or something with some details when the info finally does come out. I will most probably find out sooner or later anyways but what the heck!

Jay :p

Jay and to anyone else seeking information please goto the topic i have started and get the email i have creatred so i can start a mail list to send all the information that you require.
1. Get email
2. Email the email address with your email and telling me what information you require.

This will be very helpful to create this mail list for later years.
Thabkyou all BigTobes
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