What's Your Best Piece of Advice?

Sean M

New Member
Just wondering to all those out there, what is the best piece of advice bowling wise you have received or ever given or ever heard? This should bring up some good ones I'm sure. Come on Trevor.....I sure you've got a few! :p
Here is one I have always remembered from Andrew S. Single pins.....If your going to miss, miss to the right. (for righthanders of coarse) Thanks Andrew
as a matter of fact…………..

Some viewers may think this advice as being a bit perverse, but it has worked for me, and others that I have told the story to……..

Back in 1982, bowling in the league that followed the $1000 singles at box hill squash bowl I was privelaged to get some advice from one of the great characters of the game……Bruce Kennedy……..
Bruce noticed that I was struggling with the 9-10 split (or similar) conversion…….also at the time I was going out with a beautiful young lady with magnificent legs .(which Bruce had also noticed )
Bruce turned to me and said “trev just picture those pins as your girlfriends legs, line up as you would for the 6 pin but move 1 board to the left and drive that ball right through the middle of them”………..
Over the following 20 years I have spared over 90% of those buggers and think of that girl every time.
One of the best pieces of advice that I 've heard in the year I have been back bowling is to trust your shot. It is easier said than done and I know that I am guilty of not trusting my shot at times.
The best i've heard

The ball won't hook by itself
There are no magic balls only magic bowlers

The best ones i go by(but often forget!)

It's called tenpin bowling not tenpin throwing
If you're married to hitting the 10 board every shot go get a divorce!!!!
There's 39 boards out there, don't be afraid of using all of them
1. Be good to your mum
2. Always check your fly after you've gone the bathroom
3. If you don't enjoy bowling, don't bother playing it
your best piece of advice

Be nice to your children
because they choose your Nursing Home
1. Do for bowling what you would like bowling to do for you.
2. Refer to Animal's post
3. Refer to George No.3 - if you don't enjoy it - don't do it!!
4. Remember, others bowl also - not just you! ENJOY!!!

Flower :) :) :)
steve lovell at a melbourne cup

"when in doubt, move out"

tended to better applied back in the urethane days, when you didn't have to go prospecting for oil, cause the balls left it on the lane...

my old man

"get your ____ing hand under the ball, or i will break your wrist"

that was also very effective when oil was present

from me

"anything that used to be known as right, basically is wrong now"

For all the younger bowlers out there(and even a few of the not so young).
"Respect is earnt not given"
Has worked pretty well for me so far in life and bowling.
Till next time
perfect lanes do not a bowler make.....nor for that matter does a ball.

a handful of humility never goes astray, whatever your position on the tree
dont play bowling to get fit

get fit to play bowling

hahaha lol :lol:
1 - You don't need a big shot to score well at this game.
2 - The most expensive ball in the world won't help you, if your technique is stuffed
3 - It's not you versus your opponent, it's you versus the pins.
4 - Don't get ahead of yourself - take it one shot at a time.
5 - Be humble - there's always someone better than you.
6 - If your not enjoying yourself - Retire....and go to the pub instead.
7 - Keep your head down and focus.
8 - Your temper will cause you trouble - It has :oops:
9 - Spares are the backbone of the game.
10 - Always be Professional
Whats Your Best Piece Of Advice?

I was told by one of my first ever coaches...that spares are what win games and strikes are bonuses. If u can't spare then your stuffed. So i totally agree with "unmarked".

Any always remember that it is just a game....
refer to tigers post on this subject:

Don't take your frustrations out on the equipment or other bowlers.... take them out on the rubbish bins outside... BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!


peace out

* It's only a game
* Whats done is done, you cant change it now (usually said after missing a frame)
* Spares are everything, strikes are a bonus
I've got a few to add to this list which have been given to me over the past years and some will be repeated over again but ah well.

1. Practice, Practice, Practice. after all practice makes perfect but only if you are doing it properly.

2. Spares are everything, strikes are just there to add bonus to your game.

3. If you don't enjoy the game, stop playing it until you regain the confidence you once had when you first started playing the game.

4. Don't talk, just listen and learn by watching other people play their shots but don't copy them.

5. Don't let your frustrations get the better of you.

6. Always take your time when you get onto the approach, there is no need to rush.

7. Stay focussed when bowling in league, tournaments and in practise play because if you muck around, you won't achieve anything and will only make you bowl worse.

8. Have fun, after all, it's just a game.

9. Remember the three R's:- respect for yourself, respect for other people and take responsibility for your actions.

10. Look after your equipment, you don't need to buy a new bowling ball everytime you go to a tournament. Not that it hurts to upgrade to a new bowling ball if you really need to, just don't get into the habit of buying a new ball for every condition you may play on. What you have now, will probably do the job if not better, you just have to make the adjustments.

I think that will do for now.
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