To all Coaches and High Performance Bowlers and Sport Associations.


Staff member
To all Coaches and High Performance Bowlers and Sport Associations.

TBAQ would like to address a formal lack of tracking results of our Qld athletes and are now addressing the recording of the pathways that lead to successful outcomes at all representative team levels - local, regionals, state and national levels. TBAQ are applying for funding to supply equipment to coaches to record athlete results and also provide a talent ID proforma for an athlete (at all ages and skill levels ) to use so they know what competencies on the lane they require at each level of development.

Coaches and bowlers wishing to be updated or who wish to input on new Talent ID processes in Qld - please respond to this email. Bowlers wishing to contribute may simply email to me and I will include the suggestions at the Mentor week-end your name noted on the communication.

TBAQ will be holding a Mentor coach week-end in Brisbane at Sports House Milton on July 8th & 9th. This year will be open to all currently accredited coaches. Those coaches who have not joined the TBAQ Train the Trainer modules previously will be asked to pay $40 for the two day workshop (fee will cover room hire). Lunch is not provided - we will be having lunch at the Paddington Hotel (the Paddo) a short walk from Sports House.

Date - Sat and Sund 8th & 9th July 2006
Time - The hours of the program will be 9am to 5pm both Saturday and Sunday.
Venue - Sports House 150 Caxton Street Milton 4064


Lead coaches from SQ will be attendance at the Brisbane venue.
NQ Lead coaches and interested parties will have the opportunity to workshop ideas in July during the Walter De Veer and Rachuig meeting at Kirwan during the period of my visit to Townsville on the 13th to the 16th July. Please suggest timing that will suit either the Friday evening or Saturday evening.

TBAQ are keen to examine current operations and programs to assess if they are meeting the demands of athletes and coaches in all zones of Qld and also are interested in building a Talent ID competency system for coaches to use to assess the skills of all levels of athletes.

Coaches in the Qld Network will be able to access the almanac and also deliver the training models to assist athletes. The outcome of this process will be a common language for coaches to grade an athletes adaptive range and skills and also the opportunity to provide evidence of competency to National and State selectors for placements in teams from a range of demonstrated skills.

This process will provide us with an athlete almanac. Athletes as well as coaches will be asked to provide input.

We will be doing extensive coach workshops in our travels and also via email for input and brain storming of any idea to contribute to this process. You may contribute to this process as a level 1 coach, and bowlers will be asked about their views on demonstrated ability also.

You may simply email brainstorming ideas for presentation at the Mentor week-end and we will construct the first athlete almanac for Qld Bowlers and Coaches based on tiered competency levels. This process to the draft stage will be completed in stages.

To brainstorm ideas - You do not need to have answers - just the questions and headings at this point in time.

Something to start you off - may be

What skill to measure? ............

List of analysis methods that would measure the results.

Charting methods - different models ...... (identifying the need of the athlete)

How would a coach measure it?

AND At what cost to the coach to measure (time equipment hire - lane fees etc) ?

Period of training that would be required to produce a result ...........

History of effectiveness or evidence (this would be a record of how it was used successfully by you with your athletes - your report on how it was done - evidence of result - this will be collected and collated over time to a Qld network history of successful conversions or successful analysis) Evidence that the bowlers almanac and also the methods are effective.
This is an exciting move on behalf of Qld Coaching and athlete processes.

You will see this is the first stage of something we all will be extremely proud of.

Please email your thoughts or your expression of interest to Gail at
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