The Challenge - Lane #1 Has a WIN!!

Morich Man!!

New Member
Hello dear listeners....

"The Challenge" was on again at Werribee this week.

And .... We welcome someone new. =D>

We had a new visitor come to try his stuff:
The "Coolaroo Kid", also known as Craig. :shock:

The truth was, Jason had a "sleepover" there last night, and they stayed up all night watching the best of "The Wiggles"! :oops:
MAN, it was an exciting night. :roll:

Jason was also beaming today, as he can finally say he has A "friend"! :lol:

We have also heard that if the couple of "sleeping beauties" back at Coolaroo wake up a little earlier next week, we may even be graced with some more characters .....
Let's hope! :wink:

Now here are the week's results....

Lane #1 (Jason) - 213, 193, 231 = 637

Morich (Rod) - 191, 173, 169 = 533

Ancient Hammer (Mike) - 194, 214, 175 = 583

Coolaroo Kid (Craig) - 196, 166, 201 = 563

Lane #1 (Jason) won the day, but was beaten by the Hammer in one game. Shame he couldn't win any money though... :p
Well done anyway Jason! Good bowling. =D>

The Coolaroo Kid (Craig) struggled to get his bearings today.
He said (quote) it was a bit too "hot" down here, and there were no kangaroos for him to release his frustrations on. :-k
What that really means, we will never know!

He will be back, and he feels a "cool change" coming next week.
Let's hope that Jason doesn't wear him out again the night before.
(friendships can be hard!) :oops:

Mike was there, and bowled steady, but struggled to get his old equipment moving.
A week over in "The Forrest" might be to blame, or maybe he needs some "new" equipment...
(sounding a bit like Jason here) :roll:
Let's just say, a change may be on the way soon.... :wink:

Rod was looking for excuses all day, as he struggled to perform.
All the good excuses have already been used up by Jason... :?

If anyone knows of any more that We can use, please post them here. I'm sure any not used by us will be passed on to Jason ... and accepted by him Gratefully!!! :oops:

Until next week
Ta Ta. :D
Hi all,

The second bock of 9 games each (3 weeks) has been completed,
and I have been calculating the scores...

Lane #1 (Jason) - 5 game wins, 2 overall wins = 7 points.

Ancient Hammer (Mike) - 4 game wins, 1 overall = 5 points.

MoRich (Rod) - 0 game wins, 0 overall wins = 0 points!!

* Jason wins the points by a slim margin over Mike. =D>
* Rod did not win a game in the past 9!!!
- Has the "Morich God" fallen off his throne??? #-o

Averages for the 9 games -

Lane # 1 (Jason) - 1897 / 9 = 210.78 ave.

Ancient Hammer (Mike) - 1830 / 9 = 203.33 ave.

MoRich (Rod) - 1716 / 9 = 190.67 ave.

* Jason gave up the excuses, and found some form this block to win the averages. Well done Jase. :)


However, overall ..... after 18 games ...

Points -

Lane #1 - 7 Game wins, 3 overall wins = 10 points.

Ancient Hammer - 7 game wins, 2 overall = 9 points.

MoRich - 4 game wins, 1 overall = 5 points.

* Lane #1 (Jason) is winning in points by 1 to Ancient Hammer (Mike), and Morich is a distant third.

Averages -

Lane #1 (Jason) - 3793 / 18 = 210.72 ave.

Ancient Hammer (Mike) - 3853 / 18 = 214 06 ave.

MoRich (Rod) - 3666 / 18 = 203.67 ave.

* The Hammer is still leading, Lane #1 has moved into second, and MoRich has dropped to third.


A few other points ....

* Rod does claim he had a win against Jason last week while I was not there.
These scores do not count, as the Hammer was not there to level the playing field. :wink:

The "Coolaroo Kid" (Craig) did not want his scores to count in this tally, as it was only his first week,
and the 563 he shot (187 ave.) would look bad against his name!! So we won't mention it! 8) 8)

Good bowling guys,
and until next time....
see ya. :D
As you are well aware, on Saturday, The "Ancient Hammers" struggled to perform.

So they went for a check up.

And guess what?????

They have just found out that .....
THEY ARE EXPECTING !!!! :shock: :shock:

The lack in performance was just MORNING SICKNESS!! :roll: :roll:

And what's more ... it looks like TWINS!!! :shocked!:

(Little Baby Hammers on the way!!) \:D/

Due date should be Friday, but sometimes birth can be delayed.
We can only wait.

Watch this space for further news.... :D
Mike.... you need all the balls you can get :p :p :p

The cool change looks 99% certain to arrive on time for Saturday so i hope you have been practicing :wink: :wink:

Also to Jase... need i make mention of the 590 you shot for 4 at Northcote on Sunday?? :p

Catch you boys on Saturday, when the "Coolaroo Kid" fires on all cylinders!!,

Jase your a champ!!! At least you can play pool. lol.

WARNING TO EVERYONE: do not play against 'coolaroo kid' in pool when you have knocked a few back! cheating little turd.

I hope you know that all of us were involved in "screwing" you over... even your doubles partner :wink: :wink:

get over it :p
cheers buddy,

Mike.... you need all the balls you can get

Are you saying I need more "balls"???? :?

Let's just say, I'm ready mate ... new balls or not. =P~
I don't need to base my performance on the equipment I use. :)

As for the cheating I've been hearing about, we'll now be keeping our eyes on you :shocked!:

If you like playing pool so much, why not come to "The Club" after bowling on Saturday
and play against us.....? 8)

See you then.

P.S. - Try to encourage the other "Two" to attend on Saturday. It would add to the "FUN" :D
Griffo said:
As for the cheating I've been hearing about, we'll now be keeping our eyes on you :shocked!:

I wouldn't call it "cheating"... More like everyone ganging up on the one person!!...

Cya Saturday,
"Coolaroo Kid"


"Big Red" and "3D MAXX" are proud to announce the safe arrival
of TWO NEW additions to the ANCIENT - HAMMER Family.

"Switchy Blade" and "Sharpy Blade"

Born: November 11th (Truly a day to "remember")
at Werri-Ball Hospital.

Weight: 15lb each at birth! :shocked!:

Destined to carry on the proud tradition and awesome performance of their parents.

(and no doubt grow old like them too!)

Please do not send flowers ... any donations will be gratefully accepted though. :D
i love hammer specialy my sharp blade even though it denied me my 300 but it works well so hopefully ur 2 new babie bowling bowling balls aswell.

Go Craig C u at Northcote i will be there on the 20th and 28th of November

As you may have noticed,
I have not been responding to this topic...

Maybe it's because I am "under achieving" for my ability!! :( :(

As soon as the Morich starts performing again,

I'll feel like bragging ....

so my educated and informative comments will be back. :roll:

The Morich Man.
Its ok Morich Man, its not that your under performing..... its because of all the heavy load you have to carry on your shoulders every monday night, weighs you down on Saturdays. If the 'Ancient Man' pulled his finger out, you and McNair wouldnt be so warn out come to Saturday.
Besides, when you get to reach the age you guys are at, its hard to keep up with the pace. :lol: :lol:

I take it as a compliment that you expect so much more from me...

You must think I am capable of greater things. :wink:

I will now try to live up to your expectations on Mondays,
so as to give Craige and Rod more chance to perform without tiredness on Saturdays. :roll:

See you Monday,

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