Thankyou Max Bastian.


Gavin A

My association with Bowling Balls Australia has been for a very limited time.Within that small time frame, Max Bastian and Bowling Balls Australia have commited themselves to creating more proficient and well advanced ProShops throughout Australia, including AMF Richlands.
We have succeeded in increasing and maximising our bowling equipment sales and building a much larger consumer base, since our alliance began.
Our affiliation allows AMF Richlands to costantly stock equipment that is usually only seen on the internet and not available via normal channels, at very competitive wholesale prices.
Together with Max and Bowling Balls Australia, AMF Richlands will only thrive in the ProShop resale business in Brisbane.
AMF Richlands ProShop is booming, and will only continue to grow, thanks to the never ending assistance and tireless efforts of Max Bastian and Bowling Balls Australia.
Bowling Balls Australia has elevated AMF Richlands ProShop to new levels, and there is no doubt, that B.B.A has the willingness to employ the same plans nation-wide.
Get your centres ProShop involved with Bowling Balls Australia before the bowling centre down the road beats you to it!
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