Sydney Cup



Hey all Its BigTobes again!!!

This time i am wondering who is bowling Sydney Cup????

I am! Well most likely unless i am injured or somthing!! :roll:

Anyway seeyas there whoever is going!!
:lol: :evil: :twisted: :p
And to everyone i will try to be less Hypo on the lanes this tournament!!!1

Oh and goodluck to those defending their titles this year!!

SHE IS HOT HEHE[/img][/b]

heyas im definatley bowling in again.....
seeyas there
or maybe sooner
Hopefully ill be there

Oh and by the way does anybody have a sydneyc cup entry form they could send to me it would be much appreciated...
I'll be there for sure!!!!!!
see ya's all there!!!!!!!
:twisted: :!:
Hey everyone!!! I will definately be there this year, i cant wait for it, especially as it will be my last Junior Sydney Cup. It will be great to see most of the juniors again!!! :twisted:
I'll be there for sure!!!
Slats,chip and me...1,2 and 3!!
seeya's there.
hey guys,
yeah i am definately bowling. i cant wait. it will be so good to see everyone again.
cya's there.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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