Sport Series Event Number 4


Staff member
After a short conversation with the my local centre manager here at StrikeZone. They would be more then happy to accomodate the 4th event in the NSW Sport Series.
While I am fully aware that StrikeZone held the first one, and there are many other centres I hope this series can reach. However my main priority for having the series again at StrikeZone to enable me to try a Deposit system.
I honestly had hoped that I would never have to ask my fellow bowlers for deposits. As I myself rarely pay them. However, as many of you can appreciate after losing 29 out 55 bowlers in basically a week, we have to take action.
ChesterHill not only opened extra early allow an extended field in line with previous events, but had no bookings until the predicted time of finishing of 2pm. So not only did they lose a potential 2 hours of bookings, but opened early and let the 26 bowlers bowl at an extrodinary cheap rate. For them to only get basically half of we had hoped not only was dissapointing from both my dads and my own perspective, but also for the centre.
I have a date planned for the next event, which is the 7th of october.
So if you wish to bowl, keep it free, and be prepared to pay a deposit, we may not take entries without them. Please do not send deposits or ask to be placed in the event yet. I am yet to fully discuss how we plan to run the deposit system with the centre manager.
Thanks to everyone who showed up. And to those who Pm'ed, called, smsed or whatever to let me know they were unable to attend.
I apologise to everyone with a legitiment excuse, of which I'm sure there many. But I'm sure you all agree that until we continually fill spots, with everyone who pays there deposits turning up, it may be the only way.
Let's make this series into the massive thing it has the potential to be!!!
Later Da Cowman!
It has to be done Cow, I've gotta say that i've never really paid deposits for tournies before, but if it's in the best interest for everyone involved, then you won't have any arguments about deposits from me!!!
Hi Cow,

Times running out! :p

There's a few tournaments coming up, so I think postponing SS4 to early November would be good. I know most of the top players will be at Melbourne for ECCC or Rachuig in october anyway.

Let us know buddy!
Hey guys,

Sorry about the delay here. It obviously won't be this weekend. Sometime in November is much more likely.
After what happene last time we are only going to give you all one month to one and half months notice. It appears that with 3 months notice, people just put their names down, forgot about it and never showed. This way you will have a more realistic idea of if you can actually show up. Keep your eyes on this spot. Something will be up and running before the year is out!

Later Da Cowman!
Sweet, gives us all time to rest from the Natonals and other events that are on over the next few weeks! :p

Thanks for the update cow!

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