Sport Condition Skins


New Member
Sport Condition Skins
9th december
checkin-11:30 am
entry fee-$60
bowling 10 games (limited to 24 bowlers)
1-$40 total pay out $700

hi all, ok i know that the australian cup is on at canberra the same weekend but thought we would run a small skins for the guys who aren't going to canberra.this should be a good chance for anyone to show up and win a few dollars and bowl on a true sport condition.

anyone who wants to bowl please post here or email me at [email protected] . we are limited to 24 bowlers and some of the top guys won't be in town so get in quick !!
Wow....only $60 to bowl and I get a chance to win $40...
Can't pass up this one lol
Hey Wayne,

Read the post again

1st $40 PAY OUT $700

2nd $20
3rd $10

IE: This is per game ..
better be a bit careful George... you wont average 220 on that sort of condition!!!

and all your gear might not make a whole lot of difference either!!!

with any luck Batesy might put a longer one down this time???? then we might have a bit of fun...
Ok I might sound like a total idiot but as I am the one that tends to read these posts and then let the other half know what is going on ... where is this skins tourny being held ???


doesnt matter .. if I had actually read where the post came from I would of known... what is it they say about blondes again .. sorry guys !!!!


How the hell does that work. wW had a skins at Logan the other week and we had 35bowlers and highest game was $100 entry fee was a mere $50. How do you get pay $60 to win $40??

I"ll explain on behalf of BFCC again in a different way

ENTRY: $70


High game $40
2nd high game $20
3rd high game $10

That means every game that is bowled you have 3 opportunities to win some money, be it 40,20 or 10 EVERY GAME.

You may not bowl the highest game through out the 10 games but you can still make money and end up ahead with several 2nd and 3rd placings.
hi vossy , yes i know what was payed at logan at that had a lot to do with the sponsorship they got, this skins is more about testing another sport condition pattern with the chance to win a little money as well.

if there is anyone out there wanting to sponor the sport condition tournaments please feel free to contact brian bates at caboolture or myself will be more then happy to help you.
if a position is still available ide like to have a shot at this one, if there is a spot put my name down and let me know in here pls, thanks

Come on out and test yourself on something that is like a real condition. If you think you can bowl and are accurate enough then come on out and find out.

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