Sheild Shirts

dont worry, i am in the same one for a tassie shirt???
Hey, i'm lauren robb from a.c.t/southern and have no1 to swap shirts with
, ne1 wanna swap?
That would be great!!!!

Hunt me out over there and i'd love to swap with you.
Hey Everyone
Neil Hawkins here from C.N.S.W
i have 3 shirts that i wanna swap wit anyone from other places. Well if u wanna swap shirts. Tell me plz
talk to me in here, msn or icq.
thanx all cya
i fund out the other day that i also had anonther shirt to give away.....en one for tassie????
Hey my name is Neil hawkins i am in N.S.W central. I have 2 shirts left if any1 wants to trade a nationals can u plz private message me or through msn, icq. Thanks talk to u all at Nationals..
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