Seniors Week Oil Pattern

I thought that was it that Peter has given us the link here.

Nice short oil pattern.


Hi Guys,
I don't want you to get your hopes up too high.
The oil pattern Peter has posted IS NOT for ATBSO challenge.
Peter asked us for an oil pattern for the Darrel Holt, as Craigie has the use of the Kegel from Cannington we have to start somewhere, therefore after discussions we settled with this oil pattern as a starting guide, once we see how the pattern holds up for the Darrel Holt challenge then we will make a decision as to the oil pattern.
You can all appreciate that a centre without the Kegel has to do some trials, we wouldn't want the lanes to break down after the first game or two so please be patient.
The final oil pattern will be finalised once we have assessed this tournament.
So again I advise you this is the oil pattern for Darrel Holt only at this stage.
Kindes regards everyone
I think the pattern will change as it didn't stand up too long in a 5 man teams today (5 on each lane). Very easy condition if same pattern is retained (leave your oily lane balls at home!!!)

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