North Queensland Shield Team

missy moo

2007 North Queensland President Shield team:

Steven Taylor
Justin Muscat
Aaron Nowak
Jason Furze
Aaden Pascoe
Jordan McCahill
Nathan Furze

Champ Squad
Luke Turner
Justin Vincent
Max Coleman

Marissa Schulze
Sara King
Larissa Nastasi
Crystal Hadley
Jessica Needham
Catrina Kaluci
Tonaea Kellock

Champ Squad
Aimee Ryder
Kelly Hodgson
Cynthia Kloprogge
Congratulations to everyone who made the 2007 Presidentshield team and also congrats to the 6 champ members who will travel along side the shield team, im sure yous will have a blast in melbourne!
Hey Guys.
Just saying a massive congratulations to every1 who made both the President Shield and Championship Squad Teams for 2007.
Can't wait till shield.
Should be hella fun..yeah-eaah.
Lots of love.
NQ biatches.. lari and missy. xx.
Hey Guys.
Just saying a massive congratulations to every1 who made both the President Shield and Championship Squad Teams for 2007.
Can't wait till shield.
Should be hella fun..yeah-eaah.
Lots of love.
NQ biatches.. lari and missy. xx.

Sorry had to quote this Nq biatches lol hey junior forum keep it clean

you'll get used to it.

scotty, just cause you ain't cool like we are.

congrats again to everyone.
woot go lari and missy u guys rock should be fun at shield versing u guys again
lari u didnt top wats happening :p

Congratulations to everyone who made the President Shield team and championships squad. It was a very hard weekend of bowling in both centres.
Also congrats to the Managers who nominated I am sure you will both do a wonderful job.
Gwen Nowak - Scratch Girls Manager
Leann Pascoe - Scratch Boys Manager
I want to say a heartfelt sorry to Alicia more than congratulating anyone to start with. It's a massive shame she didn't make the team, and I know she will be spewin that she didnt :( NQ are going to be alot worse off without her... no offense, but it would be better to have someone a little more seasoned at nationals in team correct?
Congratulations to everyone who made the team though, and good luck.
Congrats to everybody, and it's good to see once again some old and new names coming through in the teams.

A HUGE sorry to Leeshy for missing out by such a small's really sad and unfrotuanate :( All the best to you...

To the rest of the teams, once again congratulations to everybody who made it.


Rowey :p
First of all... Thanks Adam & Rowey means alot... I know you can't change it but just goes to show how important picking up 1 or 2 pins off splits is and how much you need to spare... Nothing can be done now...:rolleyes:
Congrats to everyone... Specially KELL.... Awesome effot... Im sure you'll have a ball... Hint hint Nathan!:p Way 2 go Nath... Im proud of you! Also to Steven, Missy, Lari, Jase & Sara great bowling guys make the most of it! And im sure i'll see you down there...:D
Thanks Leeshy
Thanks Leeshy,
The team is going to miss you
Its ok we'll still see you down their anyways once you put in for the draft :D
see ya
Missy and Carolyn xoxo
Congrats to everyone who made the team....
n thanks licia... i wish you were commin wit me tho:( ... hopefully ill still see you there.

n goodluck to tyrone n licia in draftin...sure you will get picked up n to taylor too if he decides to do it!!!!!!

Well done to all the juniors that bowled in the North Queensland President Shield Roll Offs on the weekend. Congratulations to the shield and championships members of 2007. This is a great achievement in your junior bowling career and one that you will cherish for many many years to come.

Some special mentions to some people, Missy you topped it, not that it suprises me, you have an unbeliveable talent for bowling and you will go so far, good luck for nats! Catrina Kaluci, I'm especially proud of you and I know that you will be an asset to this years team. To Miss Jess Needham, stay safe and away from stairs or any dangerous sports/objects, I suggest that we wrap you in bubble wrap, lol, congrats! To all the other girls, you worked your way into the team, so well done and good luck to all of you!!

Now on the boys side, Steven and Jay, well done Mackay boys, good to see you's in the side. Aaden Pascoe, try not to distract the girls too much ;) I have no doubt that you will bring a lot of fun and good times. To all the other boys, well done on your achievement and good luck! And to the bowlers that missed out and are drafting, good luck and I hope that some team picks you up! They'd be crazy not to ;)

Well best wishes for all of you and I cant wait to see the results for 2007 in Nationals and Shield.

Melissa Dunn
Congrats to all those who made the team - especially Max and Aimee from Burdekin. You will all do NQ proud
I would like to say congratulations to everyone that bowled on the weekend it was really hard both days. To Katey Furze you go little champ you bowled really good even tho your only 10 lol, Steven what can we you bowled really good we are all happy 4 you most of been them videos you watched all weekend happy for ya xoxo, and to Max you bowled great just when we go away make sure you bowl on the right lane plz haha. It was a great weekend. Melissa dw i will be,dad said that i have to sleep in terries room now so i dont do anything to myself lol and to missy omg we did it again:D ! see you all at the 1st camp when ever that is.......
Miss ya all Jess N and Tezza :)
Congrats goes to Aaron, Missy n Jess for making the side.. I told ya Missy that u were going to make it!!! hehe.. Uve just gotta have faith in ya self n ull b laughin!!! With only a couple more weeks til sq have their roll-offs... im hoping n prayin that ill make it so we all can b down there 2gether n having the time of our lifes!! :D :p
HOLY!!! GO THE FURZE BOYS!!! haha. Nice work guys, your team looks like a lot of fun. Gratz also to Justin Vincent, you are gonna go far man, good to see your steppin into bigger things. And to my inspiration and mentor Kelly Hodgson :p lol. You will enjoy yourself down there, im sure i'll hear all about it. And of course congratulations to all the girls in the shield team, especially lari...pffft...*rolls eyes*. As if you wudnt make it. lol. Great work guys and girls. Enjoy yourselfs.

congratulations to the whole team! i know most of you all in there and im sure you kids will own!!!! :)
i would like to specially congratulate my lil munchkin friend LARI!
i tell you she has been looking forward to this roll off for ages!! :) haha and im glad you made it ! :p
peace to everyone!
xx chris acuavera:D
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