Noise whilst bowling


After reading the thread "rash vs belmo" I started thinking about what is considered noise and what is considered unprofessional behavior. Not having reached the dizzy heights in this great sport I wonder how much silence we need whilst on the approach. If you look at individual sports such as golf and tennis you know that absolute silence is demanded during the shot; however, a footballer can have 50,000 people yelling at Jim to miss or succeed.
Do we want to turn our sport into the sterile environment of the golf tee or the base line?? Tell me your thoughts.
I'd prefer the usual background noise to be honest. If I were throwing a shot and everyone was dead quiet and watching me it'd put me off I reckon and I might miss by more than the usual distance.

Like your beer by the way :p
If you are a professional, you should be professional enough to block out noises and focus on your shot. Obviously this doesnt apply to someone yelling in the background.. haha.

Its obvious by the Sean Rash + Belmo incident that Sean was thinking about the bottle/ hearing the bottle well into the shot.. I know I can be laughing and thinking about other things when i stand up on the approach, but then when I start my bowl, everything is quiet. Im sure others will agree?
It's about the ambient noise at the time. On the tv set, it's pin drop quiet. So a bottle cap would be audible. Whether it would affect me though..? I don't think so, as it's the kind of sound you'd expect to pop up. If it did, I would call for a shot clock restart and take it up in the commercial break. But then, that's a decision I make form the peaceful surrounds of home, not the boiler room environment of the tv show. I can understand somebody getting upset in this very artificial environment.

This story has been beaten up enough imo. All parties concerned have valid arguments, but what's the point in going over it again and again?
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