Membership Cards 2007

Andrew S.

Gold Coast
Due to changes in the membership registration process some Queensland Association Secretaries will not be able to distribute membership cards for at least another 2 weeks.
The rejoining process at the Centre remains unchanged, however the Centre or Local Association Secretary no longer issues the actual cards. The Local Secretary sends away a data base containing the bowler details and the printed cards are then sent to the Local Secretary for distribution in the normal way.
Unfortunately the information regarding the new $11 fee was handed down very late in the year and many Local Associations are yet to set their own fees for 2007.
In Queensland the memberships are being processed by either BATBA or the State Office (which will not be fully operational until the 15th.)
Bowlers are reminded to keep the tear-off section of the renewal form so that they can show it on demand, however TDs are also politely requested to give bowlers the benefit of the doubt in the early part of January and February.
Most bowlers would probably prefer to rejoin at their own centre - it would be both fair and flexible to give them that option rather than insisting that they sign up for bowler registration at the tournament check-in.
Most leagues give bowlers a period of grace, it is only fair that TDs do the same especially in these circumstances.
Thanks Andrew i was a little worried about this weekend...Wasn't sure if it was a must to Sanction, but this clears it up...Thanks once again!

On the membership side of things are we in QLD able to get permanent membership numbers??
Good question.

I've had a permanent number back in Sydney, wouldnt mind tryin to get the same number up here.
Your individual number is allocated to your name on the database by your Local Secretary and the usual proceedure by the Secretary is to enter the membership names and numbers as they come in. I dont know how other Associations operate but certainly at Ashmore there are some permanent numbers which go unchanged from year to year. There is no reason why it cannot be done, it really depends on the flexibility of the Local Sec.

Any Haros' bowlers that have already paid the BATBA registration fee to the league secretary, and are bowling on the weekend at Caboolture or in Rockhampton Championships, I already have your numbers.

You are all registered with numbers.

If the tournament director/s require the BATBA number, please do not hesitate to have them call me.
Members have my permission to give out my telephone number to the tournament directors.

Yours in bowling,
Christine Poulitsas (Haros' secretary)
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