Mayfield Bowl given the last rites


I hear on the Grapevine Mayfield Bowl is on it's Death bed, to be turned into Student Accommodation.
I hope it wasn't my fault, Peter Zambelis once said to me " how come nearly every Centre you worked at is now closed " and I think back to all those Centre's I worked in; Fairfield, did close but did a Lazarus, Hornsby, I,m not sure about that one, Enfield, did close but the same as Fairfield, Rushcutter, I did 3 stints there but not my fault too valuable a land, Sylvania, but I was there for the resurrection of Southgate, Astro Lanes Campbelltown, the buildings still there but went bigger, Liverpool, yes but again the land was too good for a Bowling Centre, Balgowlah,yes it closed, Hurstville, the Centre had a lot of structural problems and Flooded every time it rained heavy, Bankstown, yes another closer, Bennetts Green, yes did fantastic till Warners Bay opened, now a Bing Lee store, still the same Building with still the same paint job I did 17 years ago.
My come back to Peter was " if I was still there they would not have closed

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