Local Tournaments


Off The Boil
Looking at the entries for Bowlers World Cup in Moorabbin, where are all the people who wanted tournaments in Victoria????? Lance did heaps to generate interest? Let's not let the enthusiasm die.
If this tournament doesn't get entries, we can't complain if it gets cancelled!
And then the other tournaments in the circuit are surely in jeopardy - I'll gladly eat my words here but we need to support a local circuit if we want to actually have a local circuit.
If people think the format or costings or payout are wrong, suggest what you think it needs? The payout is good enough to attract guys from Queensland, what is missing?
Any thoughts, throw them out there, please.
I certainly want a local circuit to succeed, and I think there are a lot of other people who do too. Where are they?:confused:
David McEwan
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