Loader wins c300 youth


New Member
Huge congrats to Glen Loader for winning this weekend.

He lead all day today, only for Steve Cowland to claw his way within 2 pins with the final match to go.

It came down to the last frame, Cow opened in the tenth, and Glen punched out to take the title.

Well done to Dion for finishing 3rd, even if he did leave 40 8 pins on the weekend.

Nathan Thompson won the sponsorship for the men, and I think Louise won the girls sponsorship.

Well done guys!
Congrats to Glen, Cow and Dion, well deserved from all of you :)

Nice to see a really close finish as well, great to see it went right down to the wire.

Congratulation to Nathan and Louise for gaining sponsorships :D

Ciao Now

Rowey :p

P.S Bad luck on the 8 pins, Dion :p

Congratulations to Glen Loader for winning the 2007 Qubica AMF Columbia Youth Cup. Glen defeated Stephen Cowland in the final match in a 10th frame nail biter to claim the victory.

Qubica Sponsorships went to

Male: Nathan Thompson Victoria
Female: Louise Ingoe South Australia

* I have to make mention that Andrew Tonkin from Victoria in fact won the sponsorship but elected to pass it on the next person in line.

Look for a bigger and better 2008 Qubica Tour where we might see the first ever New Zealand stop incorporated into the series.
well done guys.. cow that win is just around the corner keep up the good bowling
Great bowling guys.

Particular mention to Dion, YOU ARE A CHAMPION BUDDY!!

After getting kicked in the guts by Australian selectors earlier in the month, you've had a great year and you've proven your worth. Great response to the critics mate.

Well done also to Louise for receiving a hard earned sponsorship. Well done.
Congrats to Glen on winning the 2007 Columbia Youth Cup. Also congrats to Cow who finished closely behind. Well done to all other place getters and those who won sponsorship.
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