Intrastate Teams Challenge Result


Black Widow
I just want to congratulate all my team members of the ATBSO Ladies Team who came from the back of the field and took out the winner's trophy. All members of the team worked as a complete unit and I cannot praise them highly enough for the team work and "hard yakka" they all put in. WELL DONE GIRLS!!!!!! (I thought perhaps I should take the opportunity to do this as I looked on here to see if anyone else had congratulated them, but the cupboard was bare :( ) All I can say to you girls is COLOUR!!!!!!!!;)
Droo ...... were not in any hurry for people to see the results are we! :eek: :eek: :eek:

No one set the world on fire, dont think anyone finshed over the card!
Correct... The "in good time" comment was directed for the timing of next years event... ;)
No offence guys but there were other teams in the challenge, not that I really want to see my results either!
Congratulations must go to the ATBSO Ladies for a great come from behind win.
Scully ....

Im sure most people would recognise that mine and droo's comments were little more than light-hearted banter between mates....

We were disappointed in our results and efforts, but that takes nothing away from the winners and other bowlers who bowled well for the weekend.
Congrats goes to the lades for beating the youth team. it was a close game (i think :???: ) it was still a good game and everyone had fun. i didn't even think that we would have even gotten that far.

But again. congrats to the ladies.

i hope next year that there's a better pay out.
Manbeef said:
i hope next year that there's a better pay out.

The whole point of this event is for all the teams to get some practice together in the team environment, its not about the prizefund.

The payout ratio this year was 4 in 5, or at least 80% of the bowlers got some cash back.

I will remember your comment for next year and come and ask you for some sponsorship!!
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