Howdy Folks



Hey all,

Was just looking around on the net, found this Forum and thought "hey I bowl, this looks interesting, why not join?" so here I am.

Just a little bit about me I have been bowling since 95, which you can't tell at the moment with my pitiful average of 146.

I bowl once a week at Fairlanes and practice when I have the time, the money or a free game (doesn't happen often those free games).

None of my friends bowl, but they always seem to want me to be on their team when we go bowling for fun (I think they might just be using me). But my dad and brother both bowl which is good because I know they are always up for a game.

Anyway that's all I can think of for now
Till later
Hey Jezzaj!

Welcome aboard! Say you wouldn't be from the Sunday night league at fairlanes and go by the name of Sandra?? If thats you, don't worry although ur average is 146.. u still wooped my ass with a ~220 game the other week!

If its not you, then which league do u bowl in and whats your real name??

Stay Cool,
Hey ya Andrew

Yeah it's me Sandra. I guess that my clever alias of Sandy Jay gave me away :D .

I may have gotten a 220 against you but you were only 6 off my score, weren't you? so I didn't really whoop your ass...that much.

I know my average isn't that bad, but I am just a little peeved because my average used to be better and I used to be more consistent ie not backing up a 220 with a 106.

Oh well am going for some practice on Thursday night to see if I can figure out what I am doing wrong so hopefully that will help.

Till later
howdy yall

i bowled in W.a. president shield team and i used to bowl at fairlanes and melville and cannington but i doubt you'd no me.. :p

Nat wallington is my name..

how are you all??

gotta go.,.

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