Ever played "Low Game"?

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Tenpin's Jamie Lyon
We set our machines for "Low Game" on Monday Night after league.

This scoring gives you a strike for a gutterball, or a spare if you miss all of the pins on your second shot.

The idea is to take the 7 pin, then the 10 ... leaving the others standing.

We had great fun trying this out ... the 'winner' of low score (person with the lowest score) shot 87, with only one perfect "1.1" frame.

Anyone else tried it?

We bowled this for our end of season break up mid-year... it was great fun, except that in the second game we bowled 9-no tap, and I kept bowling 1's, 2's and 3's!

Unfortunately we can't set the machines for this, we're running A2's with Computer Score, maybe in the next revision they'll include the game!

Yep - when I actually practiced :) I usually shot a game or two of lowball. It is a great way to practice spare shooting and tighten up your accuracy, especially on many of the conditions around these days.

Best I ever did was 28.
I use this as a training aid as well, it is a real fun thing to do in practice. I normally have to score it myself on paper though, but that's no big deal when you are only adding up 1's, 2's and 3's.

My average is somewhere in the 60's, my best ever score is 45 from memory. :^o 28 is a tremendous effort, particularly when there is often only a millimetre between getting 1 and about 7 with some freakish pin action. =D>

Somebody should run a tournament playing low game, it will be interesting to see who comes out on top. A six game shootout would be enough though, I don't think I could stand any more than 6 games of shooting at the corners.

Would be real handy on airline baggage allowances too, you'd only need 1 ball. \:D/

we did this a few years ago at shield training, i ended up with 70 or something. Its alot of fun, we did it again last year and i thre 136 hehe
cant say ive played it sounds good though... so the idea is to try to his as few pins as posible with out missing?
Yeah we did this in shield training last year. I dont like it personally because you pretty much have to hit the 10pin and have your ball on 1 board otherwise you will topple all the other pins anyway. And then you have to try and hit the least amount on the second ball without sparing i think.

If you get a gutter ball on the 1st its a strike and miss everything on the second its a spare.

Very hard game i thought specially because i use the whole lane and flatten my shot to take the corner pins so there is a huge risk of taking out the 4 or 6 pin aswell and everything in between :? .
I remember playing it in January last year...
I shot a 110...but the stipulation was you had to get under 100 to stop bowling (we had been training all day...). I bowled half of the next game and looked to be goin alright, but stopped anyway...hahaha.
I wouldnt mind playing it again...its a bit of fun and Im sure I wouldnt get anywhere near 110 again!
Yeah we used to play it in Sheild Training a few years ago but back then I didn't knw the meaning of spares .. or single pins .. lol it's was silly but it's alot of fun
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