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Not sure what the current rule is as I wasnt involved in the Dunn Shield last year.My last recollection of the rule was 30 games by 30th July and then continue in a league at the centre until Dunn Shield.
I know it was set up to stop people travelling from centre to centre trying to qualify and costing the 'centre' bowlers a spot in their own teams.

I know Lloyd Klaman and Chris Hedley (Regional Managers in Melb) will be able to answer your question as soon as they have found their feet in Melbourne.
A call to Evelyn Jones at Moorabbin might help also.

Tony Goodwin
LIZ said:
hey i was just wondering wen the all the amf's are holding tryouts? well if anyone knos as of yet or is it too early to kno?
It's abit too early for the tryouts Liz. Normally it's around June. I love your signature :oops: :oops: :p
Since there's nomore Box Hill,whos going to WIN THE WOODEN SPOON this year. Here's a clue...God Bless . J/K mate !!
Since there's nomore Box Hill,whos going to WIN THE WOODEN SPOON this year. Here's a clue...God Bless you J/K mate !!

We have finished 4th the last couple of year's so it wont be us as i hear a stampede of bowler's heading to Knox:D


Ps correction to post forgot the word ( last ).
It upsets me to hear bowlers saying..i won't tryout if that bowler tries out. If that person made the Team Captain, i won't bowl. If that bowler comes to our get together team bonding BBQ,am not coming. Far out ppl, time to GROW UP. Time to put aside your freaking ego and pride for the TEAM.Time you realise there's no freaking I,ME and MYSELF in a TEAM.
Enough is enough. I am sick of this.Let's get it right.If you have a PERSONAL ISSUE with someone, PLEASE don't come for the tryout.If you can't get along with your team mates, please do us all a BIG favour.. PLEASE STAY AWAY. If you think you are above the TEAM, PLEASE, PLEASE start your own MY SHIELD . :confused: ](*,) :rolleyes:
Gary said:
We have finished 4th the last couple of year's so it wont be us as i hear a stampede of bowler's heading to Knox:D
Ps correction to post forgot the word ( last ).
STAMPEDE hmmm sounds like bowlers leaving KNOX mate 8-[ :mrgreen:
I will pay Alan Notman appearance money just to have him in my team. Not only he is a great bowler but also a great motivator and encourager for the team. You are a born leader Al :cool:
alexnjudy said:
It's abit too early for the tryouts Liz. Normally it's around June. I love your signature :oops: :oops: :p

Hey, thanks for that, i thought they wouldn't b till a lil later but wasn't sure... yea me signatures kool isn't it, i luv it, its great :)
There is no i in team......but for some bowlers there is ME.........renta

And that's from from a Dandy bowler:confused: ( a nice one at that lol )

Ok Gary get it off your chest.

what gave you the turds so bad you moved on from a successful centre to a team with no hope or future.


is it because you thought you were not good enough - if so I am very dissapointed with you man because you are such a spirited determined young fellow.
Ok Gary get it off your chest.

what gave you the turds so bad you moved on from a successful centre to a team with no hope or future.


OK u asked it's so hard to tell no body look it's all about 1 thing .............
:( i whanted to bowl in a .......................Team:D

I dissagree,

I think the pressure got to him and he cracked.

Either that or he was bullied away and I want to know who that bully is.:)
Gary - there is too many dots in your post to spell losing.

I whanted to bowl in a .......................Team
Ok ............. Buzzer;)
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