Coaching- Why not?

ohhhh cry me a river "icequeen" im sorry you havent yet learnt to read! i was simply writing down wat i was thinking, your comment was compleatly not relivant to the topic.
coaches = YES
you will always learn somthing that will improve your overall game.
Dean :D

No need to be rude about it, icequeen is perfectly right - your post was hard to read and most average people probably wouldn't have bothered trying to read it.

I also write down what I'm thinking, nobody's criticising your content, the point was you've just walked into the room and mumbled at the top of your voice, most of the room didn't understand you.
No need to be rude about it, icequeen is perfectly right - your post was hard to read and most average people probably wouldn't have bothered trying to read it.
I also write down what I'm thinking, nobody's criticising your content, the point was you've just walked into the room and mumbled at the top of your voice, most of the room didn't understand you.

hey sorry mate that wasnt really me who wrote that comment... it was my mate who came over this arvo, i was on my totalbowling account and he jumped on to stirr things up. sorry again if he caused any upset.

Dean :)
hey sorry mate that wasnt really me who wrote that comment... it was my mate who came over this arvo, i was on my totalbowling account and he jumped on to stirr things up. sorry again if he caused any upset.
Dean :)
Accepted, fair enough
my turn to say something about getting coached. I have been bowling for about 27 years now and it took me till 1993 to bowl my highest series of 779 and without any coach to help me. So i thought to myself maybe i should try bowling in the tournaments run by atba so i did and i never had any success.I would always blame the lack of success on everthing exept myself and that includes all of the big tournaments since the atba folded. Then came the spc last september and of course i bowled bad again and blamed everything exept myself again and i started to think to myself maybe it was time to give bowling away. That was until a good friend of mine put hes coach onto me because i was too stubborn to go to a coach myself then a week after i had my first lesson i bowled my highest game ever 288 then the week after that a 280 and i have bowled in 3 tournaments since i started getting coached made the cut in warrnambool made the plate final in canberra then the SA cup didnt make the cut but showed signs that i am bowling better now.So on finishing what i have to say i have never bowled so many 200 games before i had coaching lessons like i have since i had my first lesson back in early october now i wouldnt be happy without my coach i might be 50 years old now but i feel like a new bowler thanks to my coach.
Great Peter, just shows that you are never too old to learn. :D
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