Careful what u wish for...

Granted, But John Honeychurch can only be in one place at a time :D

I wish for all my hair back :)
Granted, but you're sick and tired of eating the same lunch every day, why doesn't the lunch maker listen that I want some variety.....oh darn it's me, I'm so embarassed!
Wish I knew the Tattslotto numbers for the next draw and remebered to put in an entry.
Granted, but if you knew them there's a pretty good chance many others would too, so you'd probably end up with a cut of about $3.50.

I wish the price of fuel would come back down to less than a dollar..
Granted, when all cars become electric!!

Wish I could go through an entire day without some d*ckhead making a stupid comment...
Granted, but then u get charged twice as much to play on a decent pitch.

I wish they had bowling telecasts on free-to-air tv.
Granted, but i'd be on at 2am in the morning.

I wish I had all the stuff I had stolen when we got broken into back :(
Granted, Jen now gets a 6 ball roller with jet engines and wings

I wish playing The Fray, Evermore or Hinder on the radio was punishable by TORTURE!!!
Granted, but some other lame acts will just take their place.

I wish I wasn't so thin.
Granted - but everyone would try and scrounge money off you.

I wish I could bowl on a decent condition just once this year.
Granted, but then people would bitch and complain when you shot a 300 that the sport is going to **** and lane conditions are killing the sport.

I wish I could rack up my first 300
Granted, but AMF would charge you a couple of dollars for the extra frames bowled.
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