Bankstown Open - Nsw Tour - Cancelled



Earlier this year AMF-NSW Region was forced to cancel the remainder of the Grand Prix series due to a lack of entries that were required to make the tournaments viable.

When withdrawn, a series of public outrage was expressed by bowlers far and wide accusing AMF of having no regards for the tournament bowler.

In May 2005, AMF-NSW Region announced the launch of the new 2005-2006 Tour Series. When first posted, comments from bowlers who viewed the post (815 views) were positive.

In late May, the first of the four tournaments (Bankstown Open) was announced and entry forms were distributed to all AMF Centres and available from the Total Bowling Forum.

Despite the early interest, only 20 entries have been received for the Bankstown Open.

It is for this reason that AMF-NSW Region is left with no alternative but to cancel the Bankstown Open and the remainder of the 4 tournaments that represented the 2005-2006 Series.

This decision, whilst regrettable, is necessary, and based purely on the lack of interest/entries from bowlers.

For the remainder of 2005 and the for-seeable future, no Tour Series will be organized through AMF-NSW Region. Individual centre based tournaments may be scheduled, but no set dates, venues or formats have been organised.

We would like to thank those few who did nominate for the first tournament, and you will all be contacted personally during the week. No transactions against Credit Cards have been processed and any cheques mailed to the tournament director will be returned.


Brad Menachemson
Regional Manager

Lloyd Klaman
Regional Manager
I dont agree with this decision,

east coast rolls off are still happening, why when tornaments are being drawn up cant the see what is already on, fine you cancell bankstown, but y the other 3 tornaments.

sorry just dont understand
Unfortunately, I think its the arrogance of AMF, they presume that everyone will bow down and worship the mega plex. It could also be the total end of tournament bowling, if AMF has its way, why run a tournament and charge $4.50 a game when they can get $12 - $13 a game (incl Shoe hire). Which would you prefer? :confused:
Also don't you think they did know what was on! [-X
Also was this going to be sanctioned by TBA, even thou TBA would be well aware of what was on that weekend. :eggface:
Hm, well there is always 2 sides to an argument.

If I was the centre manager, I would prefer 100 or so tournament bowlers paying $4.50 a game as they will turn up come rain or shine.

The tournament clashed with East Coast Roll Offs? As an ex-East Coast bowler, I can tell you that nearly every year the roll off dates are not published until well after the TBA calendar is put out, and it would seem the dates are picked to deliberately clash with other tournaments. It almost feels like the big wigs at East Coast want to make the bowlers choose which tournament they go in, to show their loyalty to ECC.

As for cancelling the remainder of the tour, the original tour was not attracting enough entries to make it viable so it was cancelled. A new re-vamped tour was put forward, and again not supported. Doesnt that tell you that its not what the bowlers want? So cancel it and try something else. I can't see anything wrong with that.

Give the new management of AMF a chance wont you? How about a bit of positive suggestion instead of constant knock backs. Rome wasnt built in a day.
Well, the East Coast Roll Offs have been on the same dates for as long I can remember, we got the entries forms from an AMF center about 8 weeks before it was scheduled to start. It has more to do with it being a GSTBA Event and not a TBA event.

AMF just did not do it's homework and now the bowlers have to pay..... why should that be....... AMF were told in plenty of time to postpone the event to get the numbers that they were after.......

Shame on the regional management for not listing to the bowlers and changing the event.

Now the adults have hardly any events to actual bowl in........ While the junoirs still have there NSW Tour which I might add, never clashes with any of the Adult events or any other events.

So what is going to happen to the sport now in Australia..

Hey Guys,

At least you have (HAD) a tour in NSW to get upset about. Try being in most of the other states. Vic, SA, Tas, WA and see what support is coming for a tour in those states. At this stage nothing from AMF/MLE.

I would have loved to see the NSW tour be a success, as it might have helped the other states push for thier own tours as well.

Lets hope they come up with a new format, and it is supported by the bowlers, and thus helping the sport.

Or instead you could start your tour, and see just how hard it is to arrange dates, centres, sponsors, bowlers, advertising.......not as easy as you would think......l know l have been trying to get an independant circuit going in Victoria for a couple of months......not as easy as l thought it would be....
Hay there everyone i am someone who was trying really hard to get the Bankstown Open to go ahead i am someone inside Amf and try as hard as i can to give every1 a chance at everything i love my job and i love to work with league bowlers i got nearly 6 people into the Bankstown Open it was unlucky that we couldent run it and i was really looking forward to it.
There will be alot of touny's to be looking forward to lots of Daybreakers and stuff like that please dont critersize AMF in what we do because we try really hard to give you the best results with the best intrest of the players

Just remember that if you worked in a center that tryed as hard as Bankstown did and then got critersized about it, would it hurt you?

I love AMF and try as hard as i can in what i do (witch is looking after league bowlers and try to get what you want) and i will always stick beside Amf in any desitions that they make

Lots of LOVE
Tokenman69 :D :D :D

Thanks for giving us an insight into what makes AMF the corporate powerhouse that it is, as you so eloquently worded it.."witch is looking after league bowlers and try to get what you want"

I'm glad to see that AMF hasn't lowered their standards one iota, and are hiring only the most educated of people for their centres.


every1 couldent critersize yuor intrest, i tryed to critersized yuor post witch yuo posted and yuor desitions.

Wayne, whilst I respect your right to reply to any post you wish, I do feel that criticism of a person's education status is not called for....I once worked for a multi-millionaire boss who had been to the most prestigious grammar school in Oz, he was brilliant at maths and numbers and absolutely hopeless with his literary skills - surely we need to admire this person for their views and not discourage people from posting because they do not meet your high standards of communication - us ordinary mortals do understand what is being said - the enthusiasm shown for the employers, centre and league bowlers by this 'poster' is certainly more of interest to me than damning their communication levels.....I would have this person on my Team anyday.

Thank you graham and flower that is nice of you im sorry if im not perfict but i try my hardest in everything i do thats why im good at my job and being a great person.

:D :D :D
Lots of LOVE
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