Association Challenge


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I would like to wish everyone and every team the best of luck this weekend.
We are going to be trying just like every other team to bring home the goods.
Good Luck again
Kellie Hart
Go Gold Coast
Anyone have any results of the Association Challenge thus far?
Yes we have results the Gold Coast had clean sweep.
We are champions
go the gold coast woohoo
Hi all, its Missy here, I'd just like to say that the Gold Coast Team are absolute CHAMPIONS....WE ROCK!!!!
Also I'd just like to say well done to all the team members for their efforts over the weekend as we couldnt have won without all 14 of us.
A special congratualations goes out to my sis Nay, cos she totally CRUSHED it again!! WELL DONE NAY

Oh yeah and I'd also like to thank Kel for beating me out of All Stars by ONE pin!!! hehehehehe only jokin kel I love ya

well CONGRATULATIONS to all who bowled it was another great weekend.....cant wait for next year!!
Keep Singing guys cos we rock... Luv ya's
Hi Guys

I heard a nasty rummor that a well known (QLD Rep) bowler nearly cost the gold coast team the mens title by throwing TWO (4 and 6 pin) in the tenth frame, then he spared, struck to loose by ONE (1).

PS Go MATTY (RVD) spared the ten pin in tenth frame then threw 9 to win by a pin thus he wins the game, the point and the title for the gold coast.

PPS Great bowling Girls led all weekend


I said sorry Missy, like I said to a few people I wish we have of tied on pinfall that would have been a first 6 people in all stars.
I still love ya too lots and lots.

Once again well done to all the bowlers in the Gold Coast teams, as the whole weekend is based on a team effort.

And well done also to all the bowlers who made the all stars teams.
Thanks for the special mention miss.....but Matty said all weekend..."GOLD COAST ARE THE ****!!! " hahahahhahaha

To Graham the Ladies Allstars Team as follows:

Renay King (Gold Coast) 193
Sam "The Joker" Warby (Brisbane)190
Linda Green (Caboolture) 180 something
Fiona Pilgrim (Kingaroy) 180 something
Kellie Hart (Gold Coast)179

I would just like to say congrats to all and it would have been the best association challenge I have been involved in, I guess being in the winning side helped as well. To our men, well in that last game you showed your true talent and pure grit and determination to win. I honestly thought the Briso boys had ya!!!

Special mention goes out to my new friend Greg Sharp, mate you had me in stiches on Sunday night after the dinner, I hope that porcelin bus wasn't to hard on ya!!!!

See you all in Toowoomba next year
From memory
The Mens AllStar Team
Jim Murray 206 (Gold Coast)
Tony Hamilton 204 (Brisbane)
Damien McAndrew 20?
Ian Hughes 200 (Gold Coast)
? 198

I can only remember 3 of the ladies allstar team
Renee King 193 (Gold Coast)
Sam Warby 190 (Brisbane)
Kellie Hart (Gold Coast)

The Gold Coast Ladies won by more than 10 points, and the Gold Coast Men beat Brisbane by 1.03 points and as a previous post stated Gold Coast men only secured the win in the last game.
Just want to congratulate everyone involed in making the 10th Association Challenge such a success!!!!
Well done to the Gold Coast on their clean sweep.
High games: Male was Ken (what's wrong with lane 3&4)Speare with a 279. Great effort mate!
Female was Sam ( you can't wipe the smile off my face) Warby with a 264. Well done Champion!!
One final note Biggest miss of the Weekend goes to Matty (don't touch the hair) Middlemiss. If it wasn't for Brother Andrew Shinnie it would have been his best shot/ride of the weekend!!!
Tony (The Brooklyn King) Hamilton
p.s. Thanks Poppy
Just a word of explanation Tony.
Matthew is of the opinion that it is impolite to refuse any reasonable request made by a member of the fair sex.
Management intervened only because we have a fairly stringent workplace health and safety policy.
In addition to that he was anchoring the team the following morning and we thought it best that his testosterone levels remained fairly constant.
He went on to win the game the match and the overall. The rest as they say, is history.
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