Announcement Regarding VSS events for 08


New Member
Due to a couple of reasons, I am stepping aside as the organisor of the Victorian Sports Event.

The person that will be "the man" moving forward is DILLAN DEMATHER as he has offered to take the series over.

As I have strong contact bonds with the current sponsors, I will continue to work with them, as well as continuing to donate my time to acquire new sponsors for the series. Apart from that involvement, I will no longer be updating squad listings, organising deposits and venue availability, or putting in any furthur of my own finances to assist with paying out advertised figures or finalists shirts. I will continue to offer the free drilling service to the winner of the EBONITE raffle that I currently offer.

I personally wish to thank the people that have thanked me for starting the VSS series. Your compliments do not fall on deaf ears. I also wish to thank Dillan for offering to take control of future events and wish him, as well as the series all the best success moving forward.

I will still continue to compete in as many events as I am able to moving forward, and hopefully *if* I have any success, I won't receive any more emails of the sort that I received just before the last event.

All the best!
Thanks for your support in the past Tonx, and thank you Dillan for accepting the challenge to continue to organise future VSS events. :)
I know that after talking to you and reading dozens of forum posts, you have put a lot of your own money & time into furthering this sport, and have come up against some brick walls along the way, that you managed to scale.

I am saddened to hear you have decided to hand over the batten, especially at a time when we were looking forward to helping & working with you in promoting your visions.
Neverless, I am sure that you would only hand over the controls to a person who was fully worthy.
Thanks Andrew for all your efforts, and I hope you can now sit back and relax a little.
Dillon, the film crew and myself are looking forward to meeting with you in Melbourne next weekend for the first nationally televised VSS event.

Tony Drexel
Editor / Producer
Tenpin Bowling Show Australia.
Broadcasting 16 times a week across Australia on eight community channels.
Sorry to hear that your leaving us Tonx. And i'll be here to help Dillan along the way as i have helped Tonx. Dillan is more than capable of handling this title. We will be working together to get the next event underway in the near furture. Keep an eye out for furture posts.
Cheers to all.
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