Advice On Bying A New Ball


My 15 year old daughter wants to learn Hook Bowling and I was wondering if anyone can suggest a good entry level ball for her.
She currently bowls a polyester ball and has a straight style but now wants to learn to hook so I would like some advice on the type's of ball I should be looking at.

Many thanks
There are many different types of entry level reactive balls out on the market atm.

Ones to look at, are:

Rotogrip- Sonic series
Storm- Hit series
Brunswick- Power Groove series
Visionary- Gargoyle series
Ebonite- Tornado series

Depending on what weight she bowls with, there are a couple of these options under the specials link for BBA, however im sure that if there is nothing there with the appropriate weight, the regular prices are quite good also :D

Any other questions, don't hesitate to ask....
Thanx Tonx that gives me some others that I didn't know about.
I currently use a Brunswick Groove but am thinking of changing to a Frankie May by Visionary as my style and averages are coming along quite well.

Many thanx

I suggest a Visionary Blue Green Centaur.

Great ball to begin with, and use throughout a carreer in bowling !
Very controlable for first time hooking.

I've purchased a BGC as my first ball for hooking, and i still use it today for many games as i cant put it down, its amazingly controlable !
I can now get Great amounts of movement with the ball, yet i can bowl it straight if needed.

Thanx Nath for another one for me to look at.
My daughter currently bowls with a 12lb ball but she has tried a 13lb which wasn't drilled for her and the weight did'nt bother her.
so hopefully these balls will give me something to look at for her

Many thanx

A couple of other mid-range balls that would be worth a look are the AMF Titan and Hammer Switch Blade. Both are good choices on most league conditions around Australia, are mellow enough to make it worth learning good release technique, and are powerful enough to see the difference when you do let them go properly. Go straight to fingertip if she is not already using a fingertip grip. Also, it is well worth seeking out a cheap second hand plastic ball in the weight you are looking at first, in case the weight ends up too light or heavy. It also gives the driller two goes at getting the grip and the layout perfect, important for a first fingertip ball when you don't quite know where it will track. And gives you a spare ball for corner pins, as the strike ball may be rather wayward whilst learning a new release.
Happy Hunting!

Cheers, Robbie.
Thanx Robbie your points are well worth looking at.
She will be going fingertip also she wants the thumb insert as well just like mine. We do have another ball wich we can have re-plugged and re-drilled as well but will get them drilled in Melbourne by a well known driller not sure who as yet though. Many Thanx

the ebonite tornado series is are great bowling balls for the entry level bowler i recommend the tornado series
The Power groove range is not a bad series and good for entry level bowlers and i recomend patrick Birtig for ball drilling.

Many thanks to everyone that has posted some advice on getting a new ball for my daughter.
I have now got some homework to do on which one she will like and where to get it drilled.
So once again many thanks

i am on same situation, but looking for a 14lb ball, play on oily land condition, anyone can suggest me which ball to choose and that top weight and pin location i should look for and how should i have my ball drilled?
jackie said:
i am on same situation, but looking for a 14lb ball, play on oily land condition, anyone can suggest me which ball to choose and that top weight and pin location i should look for and how should i have my ball drilled?

Your locations says your in the Brisbane area, might be a good idea to contact Mel & Gavin @ AMF Richlands there contact details or on here.
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