24 balls ?

I know Andrew and he did not mean any disharmony. That said, naming this person is wrong...However...This young man is ranked No.1 Junior and recently is in the top 4 on Youth rankings. Unfortunately I know of many bowlers in general that just love to have the latest and greatest but this is not the case here.
Mick, again you are spot on. His gear has been accumulated over a period of time however I can vouch for this...He uses every single ball when he needs to and knows what ball for what lane condition! I probably know 95% of his layouts and which ball. If you guys ever get the chance to see this kid bowl...sit back and be amazed ;)
ive still got some old brunswick gear sitting in my garage from a good 5-6 years ago, over time ive just tended to accumulate gear and not get rid of it. like mick said, yes 24 bowling balls in the picture, doesnt mean he takes all 24 every time he goes bowling, some may not come out for a good 6 months at a time, may rotate them as needed, we dont really know.

like brenton said, having the mixture would go well to increasing percentages. BUT at the end of the day, its up to the bowler to put the ball in at the right target and break point to make it work effectively. if the bowler doesn't hit targets/breakpoints to even give the ball a chance of getting to the pocket, then no amount of balls will help
I think the quality of the bowler and competitiveness is irrelevant.

Some people buy a lot of gear to be competitive, some because they can, some because they want to.

If you can and want to, go for it.

I have 7 and don't bowl competitively. 5 are an Arsenal and 2 are old balls.

I think the question around Technique vs. Equipment. Equipment can only get you so far as a League Bowler on a ditch without a proper mental game and well defined technique.

If you want to be a real bowler on a real oil pattern and on a proper level such as Australian Tour, ABF or in the US then gear can only assist a well established technique and superior mental game.

My thoughts.
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