2005 Junior State Masters Results...Congrats!!!

Rowey the li'l lefty

Your daily dose of random
Congratulations to all who bowled masters, and to the prize winners and place getters. There was a lot of great bowling out there. The top 3 in Boys and Girls were...Congrats to Dean on his win, and congrats to Kara on making it 3 wins in a row. Also congratulations to Sam, Ross, Jen and Amy on their excellent achievements.


1. Dean Judd
2. Sam Cooley
3. Ross Brown


1. Kara Triulcio
2. Jennifer Jones
3. Amy Vogt (I hope I have spelt it right)

Once again, congratulations:)


Well Done Dean and Kara on both your wins.

And also well done to my best buddy JenJen on coming 2nd. You all bowled very well so congrats.

Congrats to kara and dean for coming 1st as well as sam, ross, jen and amy for thier respective 2nd and 3rd places. Congratulations also to everyone who entered this year, it really was a excellent tournament, shame we didnt get a full 32 men in the masters though, maybe next year
Thanks for the congrats guys!
To all concerned, no I never found my shorts. I was in a skirt all day! :shock:
It was dreadful...
Congrats to all who made the cut, lanes were tough and the approaches were tougher...lol.

congrats everyone that bowled and to dean and kara for winning and to 2nd and third place getters u must of all bowled good pity we couldnt of made it up but congrats to everyone theres always next yr
hey guys big congrats to kara and dean u guys bowled well and u achieved a lot. Also Jen you bowled really well and kicked me out lol. I was so tired after LOL. Thanks for the great match hope to see you at Nationals.
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