Most hated Sport's Person ( Not Bowling )


Active Member
So which sport's person get's on your goat and you love it when they loose...


Love it when this man get's beaten just make's my day............................:D

oh so many
Rugby League
Brett Kimmorley - Money hungry grub
Simon Woolford - dirtiest player in history
Darren "the diver" Lockyer

South African Captain Grahme Smith
New Zealand Captain Flemming
Rugby League: Phil Gould.......

Cricket: Any english player

Rugby: George Gregan
With tongue firmly in cheek ...


and ...

Ben Kennedy, Shaun Timmins, Willie Mason, and Luke Bailey.

All New South Welshman.... what a surprise!

Ninja, Locky doesn't dive, but if you want to point the finger, check out BK in Origin last year! :p
Krissy said:
With tongue firmly in cheek ...
and ...
Ben Kennedy, Shaun Timmins, Willie Mason, and Luke Bailey.
All New South Welshman.... what a surprise!
Ninja, Locky doesn't dive, but if you want to point the finger, check out BK in Origin last year! :p
hehehe go back two weekends ago against manly

it was the biggest dive since Athens 2004
sadly it was surpased the next day by that italian actor i mean soccer player :p
Rachel's picks

Shane Warne - I hate that guy with a passion
Steve Roach - From back in the Balmain days, he is a GRUB
Willie Mason - He needs a attitude adjustment
Phil Gould - He is butt uggggllllleeeeeee
Jana Pittman - She is hard work that girl

Brad's picks
Phil Gould - too many reasons to list
All jockey's because they don't let my bloody horse win
Ninja299 said:
hehehe go back two weekends ago against manly
it was the biggest dive since Athens 2004
sadly it was surpased the next day by that italian actor i mean soccer player :p

Cam were you watching the same game as I was, he was hit late and deserved a penalty ben Kennedy"s dive last year was the worst in ARL history, and who he plays for now, lol

Back onto subject, you cant go past Jeff Toovey, what a ****er, right up there with Benny Ellias. I cant stand seeing toovey as there runner every week, hes still annoying as ever, Why is it Many seems to attract these characters, lol :2gunfire: :2gunfire:
Hammer said:
Cam were you watching the same game as I was, he was hit late and deserved a penalty ben Kennedy"s dive last year was the worst in ARL history, and who he plays for now, lol
Back onto subject, you cant go past Jeff Toovey, what a ****er, right up there with Beeny Ellias. I cant stand seeing toovey as there runner every week, hes still annoying as ever, Why is it Many seems to attract these characters, lol :2gunfire: :2gunfire:
so i take it your a manly hater hammer :p

thats so uncool

how could anyone hate tooves

the toughest little man to ever lace on a boot

you only have to see what that dog mcdougall did to him in the 97 GF a lesser man wouldnt have finished the game.
definately phil gould, most biased sports commentator EVER (almost as biased as the ref from last night's origin 3 - QLDer!!!!!!!!!)
Also hate Andrew Johns - most overrated player, and can't stand the footy show crew's infatuation with him either.
In other sports, I like to see Australia do well in any competition, but when that rests on the shoulders of Lleyton Hewitt, I am (regretfully) forced to barrack for the opposition. Admittedly, He's gotten better though, a bit more mature and more sportsmanship being shown.
How about the entire Italian world cup team? Or Manchester United for that matter.
"Mr McMahon" from the Wrestling. Bakkis Botha - SA Rugby. That woman that gave up whilst rowing. Michael Schumacher.
I am jumping on the disliking Lleyton bandwagon.

But my most "hated" sports person by a mile would have to be Michael Bevan...
Aussie Jones
Fraiser Gherig (sp)
Shane Crawford
Mark Philla-useless, or anyone else that has dated Anna Kournikova (jealousy thing)
I really don't like Lleyton Hewitt ....... quite a few actually but he would be my most hated

and Kelly , I will not show caleb the post as you know what his words to you will be hey;)

and in AFl my most hated player would be Warren Treadrea
Tash said:
I really don't like Lleyton Hewitt ....... quite a few actually but he would be my most hated
and Kelly , I will not show caleb the post as you know what his words to you will be hey;)
and in AFl my most hated player would be Warren Treadrea

Hate Warren Tredrea big time! and Dermott Bereton for always raving on about how good he is
Tennis: Maria Sharapova (hate the yelling after each hit)
Commentator: Gould (get a life outside Johns), Mat Johns(same as Gould)
Player: Andrew Johns(to overated), Willie Mason(asshole) and Brett Hodgson
Coach: Brendan Joyce
Player: CJ Bruton? and Derrick Rucker
Cricket: Shane Warne
Team: NSW
1) Lleyton Hewitt :mad:
2) Anthony Mundine :mad:
3) Jana Pitman :mad:

Collingwood's Brodie Holland used to be a complete arrogant little knob when he was at the Tassie Mariners before he got drafted, gobbed off at a mate of mine at a TFL match one day about ten years back, and had "The Fuzz" not intervened, ol' Brodes wouldn't have been playin AFL that's a definate.
Tash said:
I really don't like Lleyton Hewitt ....... quite a few actually but he would be my most hated
and Kelly , I will not show caleb the post as you know what his words to you will be hey;)
and in AFl my most hated player would be Warren Treadrea

There are sooooo many afl players to hate as well as the whole cows i mean crows team.
Brendan Fevola
Nick Riewoldt
Josh Carr
Kayne Pettifer
Nick Stevens
Dale Thomas

Just to name a few.

Not Tredders though, he is a legend.
K-C said:
I am jumping on the disliking Lleyton bandwagon.
But my most "hated" sports person by a mile would have to be Michael Bevan...

How could anyone hate Michael Bevan?????:confused: wottahunnee!!!

Gotta love to hate
Hewitt, Warneeee, Gus Gould, Anthony Mundine's up there too, along with Jason Ackermanis and Wendell Sailor. All get too much media for the little that they contribute.......:rolleyes:

Chris Connolly and any of his purple sockpuppets, oops, I mean players!

Mundine would be up there - but not as a player to hate, but just someone I'd like to see get beaten so badly in the ring.
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