How long does one have to wait for an award?

What I am suggesting is that every bowler puts in a little extra per week to thet bowl, then when it comes around the money is there to pay the sanction. This is where the bowlers/sanctioning body/ bowling centre need to work together or maybe work on an installment system or a quarterly membership where you pay $14 every 4 months or something. As I said its just an idea how we go about doing it is another discussion. As I said earlier a change is required, how that change comes about is where we need to throw our ideas out there and try to come up with an answer that helps all concerned.

Matthew Lambrick
i agee and diagee with a lot of posts here my 2 cents is yes change is needed but how can we change when every idea put out there is shoot down in flames i think we need to start working together and stop shoting each outher down just my 2 cents
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