An open letter to the shield bowlers and managers


New Member
Dear President Shield Team

It gives me great pleasure to know that we had so much support from you guys this year. On behalf of the whole SA team, i thank you all. It was great winning the trophy and it means a lot to me being my last year. I would like to share a part of this with all of you.

To Sam H, Sam C, Marshall, Greg, Joel, Adam, Chris, Mel, Kara, Emma, Krystal, Kristy, Stacey Renee, Brett, Gary, Cathy, and Terry... I THANK YOU SO MUCH

To do it with your support made it all the more sweeter, especially for you Sam. Your father would be proud of you and what you have achieved these championships.

Once again thank you, i miss you already and can't wait to see you all soon. Bowl Well, stay happy, keep smiling

Bradley Tanner
Hmm, what can I say?? Ahh yes, those Purple Nationals shirts, they were killer!! Shoulda won the best presented award, but meh...

It was great meeting the new guys this year, you guys were really funny and just a great bunch of people. I hope Greg and Sam get bigger shots than me before next years nationals... And congrats to Adam and Joel on getting as far as you did in Masters, you guys are excellent bowlers, keep up the good work.

The girls are better than the guys, its so damn true! congrats Kara on your massive 783, smashing the old record to pieces. I can tell your gonna have that record for a while. To Mel, well done on your Classic cup victory, i watched probably 6 outta the 8 games, and you really deserved to win. And to Emma, you bowled so well this year, you pretty much put me to shame. I still owe you 50 bucks by the way.

Oh and I wanna thank the whole team (managers and coaches and parents included) for making my last year so great... Keep up the good work Tassie, and good luck for the future

thanks brad!!!
your a good man and your team deserved the win!!
your team knows the reason y we wanted you to win and you did it well !!!
thanks to your whole tema because i know it comes from them 2!!
well im off catcha next year to most of you and i hope you come to shield next year to watch brad look forward to seeing everyone next year

8) marsh 8)
Thank you Brad, i was lucky enough to be part of the amazing TASMANIAN TEAM! and i had a great time!!

The SA boys did so well you all have strong shots and so sports man like! its hard to find a team with so much ability and it doesnt get to their heads! You desreved our support! By the way Matt K has a FABULOUS SHOT!!!

What wrong with our National shirts!? THEY ROCKED!!! MAGENTA! not purple or pink! haha!

Thank you guys

it has been such a pleasure and an honour to be able to bowl with a team of such nice people for my last year of shield. You are all fantastic and people who i can call a part of my extended family.

I miss you all so much and hope that i can see you all soon (i am planning for december at the moment due to work, uni and bowling) BUT I PROMISE I WILL BE THERE.

See you all soon


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