What is Your 2005 Aim in Bowling?

mine is 2 get a 200 average in legends league and kepp it above 200 for as long as i can.......as well as do well in all my tournaments i enter and make the shield team :) :)
i have 3 things i want to achieve.

1. place in the top ten in the NSW rankings
2. finish in the top tne in all the tournaments i participate in.
3. to not worry with what is going on around me and bowl within myself and to keep cool.
probablly keep consistent around the 155 pin score
compete in a tournament
stop my damn shoulder from droppin :evil:
mine is to cut in at least 3 of the 13 tournaments I have scheduled this year, and get out of the cellar in the national rankings....

apart from that, as always, consistency....
My main goals for 2005

1 Develop consistant repititive approach
2 close all frames in all games
3 compete in dunn shield (at least try out for my centre, regardless of where I end up)
4 remember to switch on brain before each bowl!!
5 pick up av anywhere in between 5-15 pins
6 try an AMF hamburger, in 3 and a bit years of bowling, never had the courage.

i'm sure there are more, but these should do for now.
See ya bowling hobbit :wink:
bowling_hobbit said:
...........6 try an AMF hamburger, in 3 and a bit years of bowling, never had the courage.........

They're not actually that bad, not nearly as good as an AMF hot dog at 8:30am in the morning at check-in for a tourney though ;).
My main objective is to become the best left handed bowler in the center. At this point I'm 2nd...maybe 3rd in the center, and if I can stay consistant enough I'll get there.

I rekon around 185+ average will do it! What do you think ADD :?:
Right now I have a 182 ave.
Just about there!

Up the lefty's all the way!

Learn to bowl, I've had like a month off. Besides i sucked at bowling after shield finished, maybe pull my finger out and do well in tournies
well um ...

Train! lol never did that last year
obtain 200+ average
beat my high game
when I've reached my goal dont just stop there .. keep on reaching higher ..

I think thats the main ones but there are alot more
To make it through the year without my back turning to sh*t again.
I've bowled 4 games in 5 months (all in the last fortnight) and I'm pretty rusty.

Learn to bowl on synthetics, in 22 years of bowling I've only ever bowled on wood, so learning to play the new synthetics will take some time.

I won't set any definate goals just in case my back goes again, in which case it'll probably be the end of bowling for me.
ya leemachine thems fighten words i would think i'm the top left hander in the centre then it would be you very closely then that other left hander who really ties to turn the ball whats his name.

To maximise my potential in every tournament I go out in. That might not mean winning every time cos there are often factors outsice my control, (conditions etc) but I just want to maximise my potential every time I go out.
There are 3 goals i have this year-

1. Get my avg to a 200+
2. Eliminate a major problem with my game (getting frustrated very easily)
3. Beat my pb game of 279
Just a few goals this year:

Try and shoot another 300
Hit an 800
Average 200+ in at least 2 leagues
Win another tournament (defending nationals would be bliss)

Seek anger management
get average over 180
bowl new highgame (currently 235)
Get a job so i can afford to bowl :cry:

thats about it
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