Vi Huynh The King of Amf 9 No Tap.


I would like to congratulate our good friend, Vi Huynh for winning the Amf 9 No Tap tournament nationally. He bowled it at Amf Knox. He is now $4200 richer. Nice to see someone with no handicap winning this tournament for once. Well done Vi.
I would like to congratulate our good friend, Vi Huynh for winning the Amf 9 No Tap tournament nationally. He bowled it at Amf Knox. He is now $4200 richer. Nice to see someone with no handicap winning this tournament for once.

Wow thats fantastic Vi very well done:smiley.php:

Gary & Lana
Congrats, very nice work.

On another note, I did enter into the no-tap in Randwick with the understanding I would be bowling it at Randwick. I get a call the day before from Randwick saying there were not enough entries and they were merging with Southgate. Of course I was not willing to go out to Southgate on the Sunday. I am quite annoyed they left it one day to tell me and I think it is really weak that Randwick cant even get a no-tap tournament cause there is no one willing to bowl there. So sad.
Hi Nick,
I believe his scores were 1713 for 6 games and he just beat the second position by five pins mate (not 100%) sure :)
Ps Charlie. He's hoping no one will know about it but it will be all over the Amf news letter shortly ;)
Congrats, on another note the bowlers at strikezone had to contend with lanes with no oil.Last oiling was at 1-2pm on the friday.

Also does anyone know how many got paid at each center? or do they have a copy of the form. I was informed that top 5 each center got paid and still have received nothing.

Also was it just the top qualifier that got a free weeks league? or the highest each week?
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