USBC rejected-for now anyway


This is the future!!!
Just reading that the WIBC has knocked back the merger with ABC and YABA which would have created the United States Bowling Council-something like 1100 out of 1400 votes against the proposal at their annual meeting. However this could change in a couple of days if the vote is brought back up again(which some of the delagates who voted no apparently want to do) Just thought i'd put this on here because this issue surley has an affect on bowlings worldwide efforts to gain a higher profile, surley a united US body could help this more than the 3 current ones on their own.
Whoops. that should be 1400 odd votes for and 1100-odd against, not quite the 2/3 majority needed(what soup nazi makes these damn rules up anyway!!)
Bowling, indeed spoerts, politics are the same the world over. UNtil the egoes of the power brokers can be overcome, the USBC will not happen.
Guess what, it went up to the vote again. Of course it got knocked back again too. Wonder how bowlers across all the associations will react to this when it comes time to re-up their memberships?
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