Tenpin on MMM Tuesday night

Talked to Spoonman at MMM Radio off air tonight to convey Jason's current position in the World Cup from Russia.
His on-air talk about Jason can be heard at:
I will be keeping Spoonman informed as to Jason's position during the Cup.
If I can keep Tenpin on Spoony's lips it will be good for our sport, and also to speak so highly of Jason Belmonte, who is a true Champion in anyones language.
Tony Drexel
Tenpin Bowling Show
Haha "Gut feeling is that he'll probably win the damn thing, the kids on fire!"
Let's hope so.
Great work on increasing the level of exposure Tony. I know it was just a phone call but no one else thought of/did it. (Shouldn't TBA be doing that?)
Spoke with Lynne Clay today from Russia (Jason's Manager and Publicity Agent). She alerted me to a great article written about Jason in the magazine 'INSIDE SPORT'. Two pages of Tenpin Bowling in a leading mag! Can't publish it here for copyright reasons, but well worth the read.
Thanks Tony and Kellie - and glad to advise that I'm just finalising arrangements for further media coverage about Jason that will appear in the Sunday Telegraph in 2 or 3 weeks' time....awaiting confirmation of publication date but I'll keep TotalBowling readers posted via this forum.

While I'm here in St Petersburg, I'm circulating Aussie-oriented stories nationally and internationally, specifically targetting the regional media likely to cover the achievements of both Ann Maree and Jason.

As VP for Asia of the World Bowling Writers Association, I attended a very interesting meeting this morning in which the newly-elected Presidents of both FIQ and WTBA gave some forthright comments and insights into the changes they foresee for our sport. I'll post a short overview as soon as possible.

cheers to all at home in Oz,
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